c++ Programming Glossary: cvround
Delaunay triangulation opencv c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16603780/delaunay-triangulation-opencv-c 0 i triangleList.size i Vec6f t triangleList i pt 0 Point cvRound t 0 cvRound t 1 pt 1 Point cvRound t 2 cvRound t 3 pt 2 Point.. i Vec6f t triangleList i pt 0 Point cvRound t 0 cvRound t 1 pt 1 Point cvRound t 2 cvRound t 3 pt 2 Point cvRound t.. i pt 0 Point cvRound t 0 cvRound t 1 pt 1 Point cvRound t 2 cvRound t 3 pt 2 Point cvRound t 4 cvRound t 5 line img..
xutility file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4707310/xutility-file img height 8 1 IplImage small_img cvCreateImage cvSize cvRound img width scale cvRound img height scale 8 1 CvPoint pt1 pt2.. small_img cvCreateImage cvSize cvRound img width scale cvRound img height scale 8 1 CvPoint pt1 pt2 int i cvCvtColor img gray.. cvGetSeqElem faces i CvPoint center int radius center.x cvRound r x r width 0.5 scale center.y cvRound r y r height 0.5 scale..
Simple object detection using OpenCV and machine learning http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6416117/simple-object-detection-using-opencv-and-machine-learning int float p float cvGetSeqElem circles i cv Point center cvRound p 0 cvRound p 1 int radius cvRound p 2 draw the circle center.. p float cvGetSeqElem circles i cv Point center cvRound p 0 cvRound p 1 int radius cvRound p 2 draw the circle center cvCircle.. i cv Point center cvRound p 0 cvRound p 1 int radius cvRound p 2 draw the circle center cvCircle rgbcanny center 3 CV_RGB..
How to detect the Sun from the space sky in OpenCv? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8218997/how-to-detect-the-sun-from-the-space-sky-in-opencv m10 m00 float centroid_y m01 m00 cvCircle image cvPoint cvRound centroid_x cvRound centroid_y 50 CV_RGB 125 125 0 4 8 0 And.. m01 m00 cvCircle image cvPoint cvRound centroid_x cvRound centroid_y 50 CV_RGB 125 125 0 4 8 0 And where Earth is in.. circles 0 Drawing green center dot cvCircle image cvPoint cvRound circle 0 cvRound circle 1 3 CV_RGB 0 255 0 1 8 0 wrapping red..