

c++ Programming Glossary: cvcreateimage

OpenCv 2.3 C - How to isolate object inside image


cvLoad.... CvRect bb findBB my_image IplImage new_image cvCreateImage cvSize bb.width bb.height my_image depth 1 cvShowImage test..

Setting ROI with mouse from a rectangle on a video


name my_mouse_callback void image IplImage img2 cvCreateImage cvGetSize temp temp depth temp nChannels cvNot temp temp copy.. channel ROI to store grayscale frames IplImage gray_roi cvCreateImage cvSize box.width box.height IPL_DEPTH_8U 1 IplImage rgb_roi.. box.width box.height IPL_DEPTH_8U 1 IplImage rgb_roi cvCreateImage cvSize box.width box.height IPL_DEPTH_8U 3 while 1 if vid_frame..

Convert RGB to Black & White in OpenCV


C IplImage im_rgb cvLoadImage image.jpg IplImage im_gray cvCreateImage cvGetSize im_rgb IPL_DEPTH_8U 1 cvCvtColor im_rgb im_gray CV_RGB2GRAY.. with Mat and the corresponding functions C IplImage im_bw cvCreateImage cvGetSize im_gray IPL_DEPTH_8U 1 cvThreshold im_gray im_bw 128..

OpenCV: process every frame


space for a new image IplImage gray_frame 0 gray_frame cvCreateImage cvSize frame width frame height frame depth 1 if gray_frame.. frame height frame depth 1 if gray_frame fprintf stderr cvCreateImage failed n return NULL cvCvtColor frame gray_frame CV_RGB2GRAY.. access each channel of the pixels individually gray_frame cvCreateImage cvSize frame width frame height frame depth frame nChannels..

OpenCV compare two images and get different pixels


This line is before the loop IplImage lastFIplImageHeader cvCreateImageHeader cvSize 640 480 8 3 Then inside the loop I load images.. create with the parameters taken from the loaded image. cvCreateImage cvSize 640 480 8 3 use cvCopy to copy the contents and proceed..

xutility file?


capture if frame break if frame_copy frame_copy cvCreateImage cvSize frame width frame height IPL_DEPTH_8U frame nChannels.. 255 0 255 0 0 255 0 255 double scale 1.3 IplImage gray cvCreateImage cvSize img width img height 8 1 IplImage small_img cvCreateImage.. cvSize img width img height 8 1 IplImage small_img cvCreateImage cvSize cvRound img width scale cvRound img height scale 8..

Draw on webcam using OpenCV


0 for frame cvQueryFrame input if image image cvCreateImage cvSize frame width frame height IPL_DEPTH_8U 3 screenBuffer.. frame width frame height IPL_DEPTH_8U 3 screenBuffer cvCreateImage cvSize frame width frame height IPL_DEPTH_8U 3 cvCopy frame..

Simple object detection using OpenCV and machine learning


argv 1 0 printf cvLoadImage failed n IplImage gray cvCreateImage cvGetSize img IPL_DEPTH_8U 1 CvMemStorage storage cvCreateMemStorage.. detected cvSmooth gray gray CV_GAUSSIAN 7 7 IplImage canny cvCreateImage cvGetSize img IPL_DEPTH_8U 1 IplImage rgbcanny cvCreateImage.. cvGetSize img IPL_DEPTH_8U 1 IplImage rgbcanny cvCreateImage cvGetSize img IPL_DEPTH_8U 3 cvCanny gray canny 50 100 3 CvSeq..

Masking a blob from a binary image


the frame from a file if color_frame break gray_frame cvCreateImage cvSize color_frame width color_frame height color_frame depth..