c++ Programming Glossary: transparent
Libpng, Palette png with alpha or not? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13569887/libpng-palette-png-with-alpha-or-not color value RGB or Gray that should be considered as fully transparent. If you are interested in case 2a and if you are using libpng..
“Best” Input File Formats for C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14699829/best-input-file-formats-for-c But SQLite speed is superb. In fact parsing is basically transparent. Ideally as easy to write reflect as it is to read Just use.. use prepared statements that's all it takes to make it transparent. This can be big and annoying problem when dealing with text..
Why doesn't C++ have a garbage collector? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/147130/why-doesnt-c-have-a-garbage-collector for C 0x. Implicit garbage collection It does not have transparent garbage collection though. It will be a focus point for future..
QT4: Transparent Window with rounded corners http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1909092/qt4-transparent-window-with-rounded-corners Window with rounded corners How can i create a partially transparent window with rounded borders no standard borders i used Qt FramelessWindowHint.. widget. My second idea was to make the window fully transparent with setWindowOpacity and then add an additional widget with.. this behaviour . And any ways to make the outer window transparent i could think of like stylesheets opacity dont work properly..
Why don't the std::fstream classes take a std::string? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32332/why-dont-the-stdfstream-classes-take-a-stdstring parameter. Now you may wonder why isn't there a transparent conversion from a std string to a C string so a class that expects..
Convert bitmap to PNG in-memory in C++ (win32) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/366768/convert-bitmap-to-png-in-memory-in-c-win32 i.e. no libpng etc. . I also want to be able to define a transparent color not alpha channel for this image. The GdiPlus solution..
Creating a transparent window in C++ Win32 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3970066/creating-a-transparent-window-in-c-win32 a transparent window in C Win32 I'm creating what should be a very simple.. Win32 C app who's sole purpose it to ONLY display a semi transparent PNG. The window shouldn't have any chrome and all the opacity.. repaint when the content under the window changes so the transparent areas of the PNG are stuck with what was under the window when..
mmap() vs. reading blocks http://stackoverflow.com/questions/45972/mmap-vs-reading-blocks would have already done a memory mapping for you and it's transparent. Final Update Look people across a lot of different platform..
Avoiding Circular Dependencies of header files [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4816698/avoiding-circular-dependencies-of-header-files course from the beginning I try to design the project as transparent as possible. However as more and more features and classes are.. features and classes are added and the project gets less transparent circular dependencies start happening. Are there any general..
Portability of Native C++ properties http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5772480/portability-of-native-c-properties foo.x n return 0 As you can see from main the usage is transparent as long as you are assigning values of type T here int or implicitly..
Implementing A Plugin System in C or C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/708527/implementing-a-plugin-system-in-c-or-c
glTexImage2D failing in GLUT/FreeType example with OpenGL 3 and above http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11150983/glteximage2d-failing-in-glut-freetype-example-with-opengl-3-and-above uniform_color 1 transparent_green render_text The Transparent Green Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog 1 8 sx 1 380 sy sx sy render_text.. Over The Lazy Dog 1 8 sx 1 380 sy sx sy render_text The Transparent Green Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog 1 18 sx 1 440 sy sx sy glutSwapBuffers..
Garbage Collection in C++11 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12313405/garbage-collection-in-c11 called. In fact earlier GC proposals such as n2310 Transparent Programmer Directed Garbage Collection for C explicitly states..
Transparent window containing opaque text and buttons http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1294805/transparent-window-containing-opaque-text-and-buttons window containing opaque text and buttons I'm creating a non..
QT4: Transparent Window with rounded corners http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1909092/qt4-transparent-window-with-rounded-corners Transparent Window with rounded corners How can i create a partially transparent..
Creating a Transparent Bitmap with GDI? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2726560/creating-a-transparent-bitmap-with-gdi a Transparent Bitmap with GDI I want to implement a layering system in my.. mask rather than a full alpha channel you can use TransparentBlt along with a color key to mask out areas of a bitmap when..
Is there an STL and UTF-8 friendly C++ Wrapper for ICU, or other powerful Unicode library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/511280/is-there-an-stl-and-utf-8-friendly-c-wrapper-for-icu-or-other-powerful-unicod dates in locale sensitive way should be thread safe . Transparent support of UTF 8 primary internal representation . As far as..