

c++ Programming Glossary: traversing

Size of a directory [duplicate]


way to get the directory size folder size without actually traversing this directory and adding size of each file in it Ideally would..

Good C++ GUI library for Windows


some edge cases for inserting and removing elements while traversing though it's a little less efficient. And they do provide STL..

How to filter items from a std::map?


std remove_if Can you remove items from the map while traversing it Can we avoid using the temporary map typedef std map Action..

In what ways do C++ exceptions slow down code when there are no exceptions thown?


when an exception is thrown the technique involves traversing the call stack and table lookup . In cases where exceptions..

array vs vector vs list


Is it justifiable Or did I miss something Which is faster traversing a list then inserting a node or shifting items in an array to..

count number of files with a given extension in a directory - C++?


findnext As stated the actual functions you will use for traversing the directory are OS specific. For UNIX it would almost certainly..

How to sort a linked list using bubble-sort?


the head pointer. head trail j trail curr curr curr next traversing thru the list. nested loop. trail head curr trail next curr.. loop. trail head curr trail next curr next trail next next traversing thru the list. outer loop. j 0 What am I missing here c sorting..

Win32 PlaySound: How to control the volume?


to address with the above code especially as it relates to traversing the memory buffer and writing into it. share improve this answer..

decreasing cache misses through good design


curve instead will help to balance access speeds when traversing in any dimension. Blocking techniques are similar they're just..

How expensive is RTTI?


of std type_info the latter necessarily involves traversing an inheritance tree plus comparisons. Past that ... like everyone..

Prefix search in a radix tree/patricia trie


seems difficult to me to gather all matching words just by traversing the tree from that best match. Additionally there is a radix..

Fastest way to extract individual pixel data?


of pixels on a gray scale image using OpenCV. It will be traversing hundreds of thousands of pixels so I need the fastest possible..