c++ Programming Glossary: transferred
How to install C++ plugin to Eclipse? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12165746/how-to-install-c-plugin-to-eclipse I also downloaded the CDT C C Development Tooling and transferred the features and plugins folder to the eclipse folder. Can someone..
Cuda version not working while serial working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13630817/cuda-version-not-working-while-serial-working here which I think demonstrates that the data is being transferred back to the host #include stdio.h #include iostream #include..
Visual C++ equivalent of GCC's __attribute__ ((__packed__)) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1537964/visual-c-equivalent-of-gccs-attribute-packed to know how 8 bit bytes are converted to 16 bit bytes when transferred between the two systems. The struct on the 16bit machine might..
Confused when boost::asio::io_service run method blocks/unblocks http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15568100/confused-when-boostasioio-service-run-method-blocks-unblocks const boost system error_code error std size_t bytes_transferred std cout Bytes transferred bytes_transferred std endl void print.. error std size_t bytes_transferred std cout Bytes transferred bytes_transferred std endl void print std cout Printing... std.. size_t bytes_transferred std cout Bytes transferred bytes_transferred std endl void print std cout Printing... std endl ... boost..
Learning C and/or C++ from beginner to advanced [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/171126/learning-c-and-or-c-from-beginner-to-advanced that you'd learn in an introductory class. Now I've transferred into a Computer Science major as junior and all of a sudden..
Send and Receive a file in socket programming in Linux with C/C++ (GCC/G++) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2014033/send-and-receive-a-file-in-socket-programming-in-linux-with-c-c-gcc-g the buffer is in the kernel so the data doesn't have to transferred between the kernel and user space or may not even ever pass..
How to make consistent dll binaries across VS versions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/232926/how-to-make-consistent-dll-binaries-across-vs-versions classes are not. Second make sure that ownership is not transferred i.e. any structs passed accross the dll boundry are never deallocated..
How to set a timeout on blocking sockets in boost asio? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/291871/how-to-set-a-timeout-on-blocking-sockets-in-boost-asio return value of that function will be the amount of data transferred if no data has been transferred and the timeout has been reached.. will be the amount of data transferred if no data has been transferred and the timeout has been reached then 1 is returned with errno..
Best way for interprocess communication in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/372198/best-way-for-interprocess-communication-in-c in a limited time 10000 per second and data 100 mb will be transferred per second.Type of data will be an integral type double int..
What is the difference between exit() and abort()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/397075/what-is-the-difference-between-exit-and-abort objects and executes the call to exit . Control can be transferred directly to such a main by throwing an exception that is caught..
How can some code be run each time an exception is thrown in a Visual C++ program? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4223390/how-can-some-code-be-run-each-time-an-exception-is-thrown-in-a-visual-c-progra If an exception is thrown in a C program control is either transferred to the exception handler or terminate is called. Even if the..
How to use profile guided optimizations in g++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4365980/how-to-use-profile-guided-optimizations-in-g
C++ Boost ASIO: how to read/write with a timeout? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4553162/c-boost-asio-how-to-read-write-with-a-timeout return value of that function will be the amount of data transferred if no data has been transferred and the timeout has been reached.. will be the amount of data transferred if no data has been transferred and the timeout has been reached then 1 is returned with errno..
smart pointers (boost) explained http://stackoverflow.com/questions/569775/smart-pointers-boost-explained pointer is to be returned from functions the ownership is transferred to the returned smart pointer for example. The third means that..
Will using `goto` leak variables? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7334952/will-using-goto-leak-variables automatic storage duration that are in scope at the point transferred from but not at the point transferred to. .. You can't jump.. scope at the point transferred from but not at the point transferred to. .. You can't jump into the scope of an object even if it's..
C++11 Smart Pointer Policies http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8334886/c11-smart-pointer-policies use boost scoped_ptr is to ensure that ownership is never transferred unless you cheat of course . Then again if you use unique_ptr.. . Then again if you use unique_ptr ownership can only be transferred if you use std move or similar constructs. Or as Howard points..