

c++ Programming Glossary: treating

Parse quoted strings with boost::spirit


See another answer I wrote for more complete examples of treating arbitrary contents in optionally partially quoted strings that..

How will i know whether inline function is actually replaced at the place where it is called or not?


at the place where it is called or not as decision of treating inline function as inline is at the compile time c inline ..

Which is better option to use for dividing an integer number by 2?


that best describes what you are trying to do. If you are treating the number as a sequence of bits use bitshift. If you are treating.. the number as a sequence of bits use bitshift. If you are treating it as a numerical value use division. Note that they are not..

Implicitly treating returned lvalue as rvalue


treating returned lvalue as rvalue 12.8 Copying and moving class objects..

How can pointers be totally ordered?


with a flat address space and byte addressing just treating the pointer as if it were a similarly sized integer or unsigned..

Template friend function of a template class


forward declaration then this tricks the compiler into treating your friend as a template name and so the is considered to be.. match. In essence you're just tricking the compiler into treating the friend as a template specialization. You can do this here..

boost::bind & boost::function pointers to overloaded or templated member functions


with specializations but it seems that the compiler is treating my OnEvent functions as overloads rather than template specializations..

C++ Copy constructor, temporaries and copy semantics


exception object 15.1 the copy operation can be omitted by treating the exception declaration as an alias for the exception object..

returning aligned memory with new?


params if size 0 handle 0 byte requests size 1 by treating them as 1 byte requests while 1 attempt to allocate size bytes..

How to learn proper C++? [closed]


to realize though is that more times than not I wind up treating C something vaguely like C with classes although I do practice.. C and C are two different languages and I want to start treating them that way. How Where to start Update Based on the responses..

constructor invocation mechanism


the expected output in this case try my n my Instead of treating as an argument specification as in the former case the compiler..

As a Java developer, C or C++? [closed]


C supports. Treating C like a OOP language and especially treating it like Java will only lead to frustration. The problem is that..

Why was pair range access removed from C++11?


had std begin std end overloads for std pair that allowed treating a pair of iterators as a range suitable for use in a range based..

Does const-correctness give the compiler more room for optimization?


the declaration the compiler can already see how you are treating the pointer or reference within that scope it already knows..

Handle arbitrary length integers in C++


to assign it like so a 333 yes i know you are pretty much treating it as a string this way but it will do operations just fine..

SFINAE with invalid function-type or array-type parameters?


matching. Applying this to your example g might be treating it as template typename T char f T 1 template typename T char..

How to improve fixed point square-root for small values


009 Correcting the result for fixed sqrt 0 is trivial by treating it as a special case but that will not solve the problem for..