c++ Programming Glossary: trained
Lib svm, how to convert MyModel.mat to MyModel.model http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11744244/lib-svm-how-to-convert-mymodel-mat-to-mymodel-model label_vector instance_matrix If you are talking about trained models not data a quick search revealed this page I haven't..
Supprt Vector Machine works in matlab, doesn't work in c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13670101/supprt-vector-machine-works-in-matlab-doesnt-work-in-c is around 50 accuracy even on the same samples that I've trained on. I've confirmed that my feature generators are working because..
Use Windows 8 toast notification from desktop app http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13864353/use-windows-8-toast-notification-from-desktop-app use toast notification to show some alert for user. So I trained with Microsoft sample available here http code.msdn.microsoft.com..
using OpenCV and SVM with images http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14694810/using-opencv-and-svm-with-images time. After it's done training however you can save the trained SVM so you don't have to retrain it every time. svm.save svm_filename.. svm_filename loading To test your images using the trained SVM simply read an image convert it to a 1D matrix and pass..
Training custom SVM to use with HOGDescriptor in OpenCV http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15339657/training-custom-svm-to-use-with-hogdescriptor-in-opencv making the existing HOGDescriptor work with my newly trained SVM. I have calculated HOG features for positive and negative.. for positive and negative training images labeled them and trained the SVM using CvSVM. The parameters I have used are CvSVMParams.. way I'm calculating primal form. Is there anyone who has trained their own detector who can point me in the right direction ..