

c++ Programming Glossary: tradition

Why Switch/Case and not If/Else If?


they more efficient than if else's Are they carried on by tradition c c switch statement case condition share improve this question..

What is malloc doing in this code?


Strings often need to know how long they are and the C tradition is to allocate room for an additional character on the end of..

Which one is called when existing an extern function with the same name as an inline function?


reasoning why it behaves one way or the other. In the best tradition of UB any behaviour is possible including ordering pizza over..

Pure virtual functions may not have an inline definition. Why?


and incurring the certain fights over pure I used the tradition C and C convention of using 0 to represent not there. The 0..

malloc & placement new vs. new


convincing other than dogmatic arguments or appeals to tradition i.e. it's the C way . If I'm creating an array of objects what..

Handling of conversions from and to hex


and a host of others. I have attempted to break with this tradition but I guess that that does make the performance sub optimal...