c++ Programming Glossary: trail
How to sort a linked list using bubble-sort? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19522121/how-to-sort-a-linked-list-using-bubble-sort bubble sort in order to sort a linked list. I use curr and trail in order to traverse thru the list. curr is supposed to be one.. thru the list. curr is supposed to be one step ahead of trail always. This is my code so far void linked_list sort int i j.. sort int i j 0 int counter 0 node curr head node trail head node temp NULL while curr NULL curr curr next couting the..
Why are anonymous namespaces not a sufficient replacement for namespace-static, according to the standards committee? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8460327/why-are-anonymous-namespaces-not-a-sufficient-replacement-for-namespace-static would prefer answers that had some documentation or paper trail of a standards committee discussion. c c 11 share improve..