c++ Programming Glossary: translatemessage
displaying a message when the user taps a key http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10750037/displaying-a-message-when-the-user-taps-a-key hInstance 0 MSG msg while GetMessage msg NULL 0 0 TranslateMessage msg DispatchMessage msg return msg.wParam share improve this..
How to get the Windows Power State Message (WM_POWERBROADCAST) when not running a Win32 GUI app? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1165623/how-to-get-the-windows-power-state-message-wm-powerbroadcast-when-not-running GetMessage msg NULL 0 0 if msg.message WM_QUIT break TranslateMessage msg DispatchMessage msg static LRESULT WINAPI WindowProc HWND..
How to append text to a TextBox? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12537456/how-to-append-text-to-a-textbox hMainWindow SW_SHOW MSG msg while GetMessage msg NULL 0 0 TranslateMessage msg DispatchMessage msg return 0 LRESULT CALLBACK WindowProc..
DoEvents equivalent for C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1415095/doevents-equivalent-for-c
HOWTO: post messages between threads with Boost::asio? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17311512/howto-post-messages-between-threads-with-boostasio code MSG msg while PeekMessage msg 0 0 0 PM_REMOVE TranslateMessage msg DispatchMessage msg if io_service_.stopped io_service_.reset..
C++ MSAPI 5: SetNotifyCallbackFunction not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17966387/c-msapi-5-setnotifycallbackfunction-not-working 1 MSG Msg while PeekMessage Msg NULL 0 0 PM_REMOVE TranslateMessage Msg DispatchMessage Msg break case WAIT_TIMEOUT hr S_FALSE..
How do I stop windows from blocking the program during a window drag or menu button being held down? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18041622/how-do-i-stop-windows-from-blocking-the-program-during-a-window-drag-or-menu-but MSG msg while ret GetMessage msg nullptr 0 0 0 if ret 1 TranslateMessage msg DispatchMessage msg else An error occurred Handle it and..
How can I change the background color of a button WinAPI C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18745447/how-can-i-change-the-background-color-of-a-button-winapi-c UpdateWindow hwnd while GetMessage msg NULL 0 0 0 TranslateMessage msg DispatchMessage msg return msg.message share improve this..
Should I use DirectInput or Windows message loop? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2165230/should-i-use-directinput-or-windows-message-loop while GetMessage msg NULL 0 0 if WM_QUIT msg.message break TranslateMessage msg post a WM_CHAR message if this is a WM_KEYDOWN DispatchMessage.. msg else if WM_QUIT msg.message break if fHandled TranslateMessage msg DispatchMessage msg else if there are no more messages..
Keyboard Input & the Win32 message loop http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2441457/keyboard-input-the-win32-message-loop loop looks like this MSG msg while GetMessage msg null 0 0 TranslateMessage msg DispatchMessage msg The function of TranslateMessage is.. 0 TranslateMessage msg DispatchMessage msg The function of TranslateMessage is to generate WM_CHAR messages from WM_KEYDOWN messages so.. else msg.message WM_KEYUP OnKeyUp msg.wParam else TranslateMessage msg DispatchMessage msg Notice that OnKeyDown and OnKeyUp messages..
fatal error C1014: too many include files : depth = 1024 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2582521/fatal-error-c1014-too-many-include-files-depth-1024 then process them. if PeekMessage msg 0 0 0 PM_REMOVE TranslateMessage msg DispatchMessage msg Otherwise do animation game stuff...
What is an efficient way to wrap HWNDs in objects in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3122695/what-is-an-efficient-way-to-wrap-hwnds-in-objects-in-c SW_SHOW MSG msg while GetMessage msg 0 0 0 TranslateMessage msg DispatchMessage msg app shutdown appwindow.DestroyWindow..
Understanding the low-level mouse and keyboard hook (win32) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3134183/understanding-the-low-level-mouse-and-keyboard-hook-win32 msg if PeekMessage msg 0 0 0 PM_REMOVE printf msg recvd n TranslateMessage msg DispatchMessage msg #ifdef TEST Sleep 50 #endif So everything..
c++ using too much cpu http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3561613/c-using-too-much-cpu 0 0 if TranslateAccelerator msg.hwnd hAccelTable msg TranslateMessage msg DispatchMessage msg GdiplusShutdown gdiplusToken return..
Why must SetWindowsHookEx be used with a windows message queue http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7458807/why-must-setwindowshookex-be-used-with-a-windows-message-queue NULL 0 MSG msg while GetMessage msg NULL 0 0 0 TranslateMessage msg DispatchMessage msg UnhookWindowsHookEx hook Why doesn't..
Why are unhandled exceptions thrown in win32 timer callbacks not treated as unhandled exceptions by the debugger? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8903400/why-are-unhandled-exceptions-thrown-in-win32-timer-callbacks-not-treated-as-unha 0 0 if bRet 1 handle the error and possibly exit else TranslateMessage msg DispatchMessage msg return 0 The output of this program..
How to navigate between controls in a Window by TAB key? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9762202/how-to-navigate-between-controls-in-a-window-by-tab-key msg NULL 0 0 if msg.hwnd IsDialogMessage msg.hwnd msg TranslateMessage msg DispatchMessage msg Unfortunately navigating by TAB did..