c++ Programming Glossary: transformed
Partial ordering with function template having undeduced context http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1180325/partial-ordering-with-function-template-having-undeduced-context BT Q void which are also the types of the arguments. Non transformed parameter list for T1 T typename Const T type Non transformed.. parameter list for T1 T typename Const T type Non transformed parameter list for T2 T void Since C 03 under specifies this.. that i read about in several defect reports. The above transformed parameter list for T1 called AT by me is used as argument list..
Using Boost adaptors with C++11 lambdas http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11872558/using-boost-adaptors-with-c11-lambdas 4 2 8 5 3 7 9 std cout boost min_element v boost adaptors transformed int i return i std endl return 0 The compilation failed with.. int i return i std cout boost min_element v boost adaptors transformed func std endl return 0 http liveworkspace.org code b78b3f7d05049515ac207e0c12054c70..
Understanding rvalue references http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12606574/understanding-rvalue-references preserved when passed from bar into foo. Why does it get transformed into int once inside the function body I know the answer is..
Dangling references and undefined behavior http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14730534/dangling-references-and-undefined-behavior When operator has been overloaded the expression x is transformed into a function call and does not obey the rules of the built..
C++0x memory model and speculative loads/stores http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2001913/c0x-memory-model-and-speculative-loads-stores 17 Clearly then you don't want that transformed to tmp x x 17 if single_threaded x tmp sendMessageThatSafelySetsXTo..
C++ strings: [] vs. * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/308279/c-strings-vs Standard says that parameters declared in that way will be transformed to be the same as void accept_array char foo Excursion Multi..
As a Java developer, C or C++? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/463618/as-a-java-developer-c-or-c appropriately be called C with classes . Since then C has transformed completely into its own language with its own way of doing things...
How can I know which parts in the code are never used? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4813947/how-can-i-know-which-parts-in-the-code-are-never-used remove dead code in practice the program has been so much transformed at the time it is performed that it is near impossible to convey..
Is it possible to use boost::filter_iterator for output? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7254131/is-it-possible-to-use-boostfilter-iterator-for-output adaptors for ease of use you'd write boost copy data transformed makeT filtered validate indirected std back_inserter queue Here.. 8 9 Q q using boost adaptors filtered using boost adaptors transformed note how Boost Range elegantly supports an int as an input range.. supports an int as an input range boost copy data transformed makeT filtered validate std back_inserter q demo output 2 4..
OpenGL define vertex position in pixels http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7377912/opengl-define-vertex-position-in-pixels Vertices are set in 3D coordinates which is transformed into a viewport coordinates into your window view . This transformation..
What is “rvalue reference for *this”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8610571/what-is-rvalue-reference-for-this resolution succeeded and the function linked to that transformed overload is called. The same goes for the second call to 'f'..