

c++ Programming Glossary: frames

Setting ROI with mouse from a rectangle on a video


Allocate space for a single channel ROI to store grayscale frames IplImage gray_roi cvCreateImage cvSize box.width box.height..

What is exactly the base pointer and stack pointer? To what do they point?


enables stack walking in a debugger and viewing other frames local variables to work. Most function prologs look something.. since the debugger can no longer directly access the stack frames of earlier function calls. EDIT For your updated question the..

OpenCV: process every frame


OpenCV for video capture. In all the examples i've found frames from the camera are processed using the grab function and waiting.. demands a lot of processing the system might skip a few frames from the camera. Consider the suggestions Paul R and diverscuba23.. CV_RGB2GRAY return gray_frame process_video retrieves frames from camera and executes a callback to do individual frame processing...

openCV: How to split a video into image sequence?


Assuming the feed is from a file. while there are frames and we still want them cvGrabFrame myCapt myImg cvRetrieveFrame.. out when to stop producing the file name of the individual frames and of course declaring properly the variables and using the..

Fastest method of screen capturing


this question This is what I use to collect single frames but if you modify this and keep the two targets open all the..

OpenCV - cvWaitKey( )


newcomers is to call cv imshow in a loop through video frames without following up each draw with cv waitKey 30 . In this..

OpenCV with Network Cameras


under Windows. I have a network camera and I need to grab frames from openCV. That camera can stream a standard mpeg4 stream.. with openCV but I cannot make it work. How I can grab frames from an IP camera with openCV Thanks Andrea c windows networking..

How to generate a stacktrace when my gcc C++ app crashes


on the stack size backtrace array 10 print out all the frames to stderr fprintf stderr Error signal d n sig backtrace_symbols_fd..

Audio output with video processing with opencv


use OpenCV SDL to display it while retrieving the audio frames through ffmpeg and playing them with SDL. Here is a nice collection.. I also found a nice post that shows how to capture frames from a video file using ffmpeg store them in OpenCV cv Mat and.. to demonstrate how it's done. This demo reads video frames through OpenCV so you can process them and audio through ffmpeg..

What can cause D3D11CreateDevice() to fail with E_FAIL?


B642 418B BCF0 BCB6591E255F Format In Out YUY2 YUY2 Frames Prev Fwd Back 0 0 1 Caps VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX.. 7884 43A4 9C91 7F87FAF3E37E Format In Out YUY2 YUY2 Frames Prev Fwd Back 0 0 0 Caps VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX.. C7EC 4BD9 8EDE F3C75DC4393B Format In Out YUY2 YUY2 Frames Prev Fwd Back 0 0 0 Caps VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX..

Problem to Decode H264 video over RTP with ffmpeg (libavcodec)


share improve this question In RTP all H264 I Frames IDRs are usualy fragmented. When you receive RTP you first must..

How to Log Stack Frames with Windows x64


to Log Stack Frames with Windows x64 I am using Stackdumps with Win32 to write.. GetProcAddress hNtDll RtlCaptureStackBackTrace PVOID myFrames 128 s_pfnCaptureStackBackTrace 0 128 myFrames NULL for int ndx.. PVOID myFrames 128 s_pfnCaptureStackBackTrace 0 128 myFrames NULL for int ndx 0 ndx 128 ndx fprintf gApplSetup.TraceFile..

Converting YUV into BGR or RGB in OpenCV


appreciated. BYTE pData videoFrame GetBytes void pData m_nFrames printf Num Frames executed d n m_nFrames for int i 0 i 1280.. pData videoFrame GetBytes void pData m_nFrames printf Num Frames executed d n m_nFrames for int i 0 i 1280 720 3 i i 3 m_RGB.. void pData m_nFrames printf Num Frames executed d n m_nFrames for int i 0 i 1280 720 3 i i 3 m_RGB imageData i pData i pData..

Requirements for target application for Visual Studio 11's Graphics Debugger


a specified adapter it crashes with this stack 04246c83 Frames below may be incorrect and or missing dxgi.dll CDXGIFactory..

ffmpeg AVFrame get full decoded data to char*


AVFrame get full decoded data to char I get Frames in loop and decode it with ffmpeg getting AVFrame as e result..