c++ Programming Glossary: frees
How to debug heap corruption errors? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1010106/how-to-debug-heap-corruption-errors catch more dangling pointers catches proximate double frees tracking being able to record where an allocation was made can..
Any reason to overload global new and delete? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1152511/any-reason-to-overload-global-new-and-delete framing allocations with a known lifetime ignore all the frees until the very end of this period then free all of them together.. can walk through the heap data structure every N allocs frees to make sure everything looks ok accounting including leak tracking..
Write your own memory manager http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1194479/write-your-own-memory-manager is mainly to help debugging. It should detect double frees memory overwrite and so on. And of course I'd like to learn..
C++ Vector of Pointers to Objects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1361139/c-vector-of-pointers-to-objects unsigned i 0 i 100 i c.push_back new derived leaks here frees the pointers doesn't delete them nor should it int main foo.. use. auto myresource std make_unique derived won't leak frees itself std make_unique is missing from the C 11 standard by.. the last one ceases to exist that count goes to zero it frees the pointer. Copying simply increases the reference count and..
In c++ what does a tilde “~” before a function name signify? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1395506/in-c-what-does-a-tilde-before-a-function-name-signify question It's the destructor it destroys the instance frees up memory etc. etc. Here's a description from ibm.com Destructors..
cudaMemcpy segmentation fault http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15431365/cudamemcpy-segmentation-fault in 5 017 blocks 19340 total heap usage 5 879 allocs 862 frees 4 332 278 bytes allocated 19340 19340 LEAK SUMMARY 19340 definitely..
How does automatic memory allocation actually work in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1612982/how-does-automatic-memory-allocation-actually-work-in-c int delete p allocates a block of memory on heap and then frees it that's a whole lot of work I'm serious here heap allocation..
Why does valgrind say basic SDL program is leaking memory? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1997171/why-does-valgrind-say-basic-sdl-program-is-leaking-memory in 1 258 blocks 3271 total heap usage 14 250 allocs 12 992 frees 2 615 177 bytes allocated 3271 3271 10 bytes in 2 blocks are..
Pointers, smart pointers or shared pointers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/417481/pointers-smart-pointers-or-shared-pointers Who owns it Only the comments will let you know. Who frees it Hopefully the owner at some point. Smart pointers are a blanket..
valgrind memory leak errors when using pthread_create http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5610677/valgrind-memory-leak-errors-when-using-pthread-create in 18 blocks 11784 total heap usage 1 059 allocs 1 041 frees 51 864 bytes allocated 11784 11784 288 bytes in 1 blocks are..
smart pointers (boost) explained http://stackoverflow.com/questions/569775/smart-pointers-boost-explained the smart pointer is kept local and is just created so it frees an object after it goes out of scope. Share of ownership can.. see when the last copy of it goes out of scope and then it frees the object managed. weak_ptr is a non owning smart pointer... of it to avoid that in another thread a shared_ptr frees it while you use the object and then use it. If the weak_ptr..
how to find memory leak in c++ code/project http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6261201/how-to-find-memory-leak-in-c-code-project C operator new allocates heap memory. The delete operator frees heap memory. For every new you should use a delete so that you..
Why is there a special new and delete for arrays? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/659270/why-is-there-a-special-new-and-delete-for-arrays a more simple situation. There is only 1 function that frees the data you allocate there is no concept of a destructor being..
I want to make my own Malloc http://stackoverflow.com/questions/732617/i-want-to-make-my-own-malloc of usage over time. If you have only mallocs and new frees it's easy obviously. If you have only mallocs of one or a few..
Is there any real risk to deriving from the C++ STL containers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/922248/is-there-any-real-risk-to-deriving-from-the-c-stl-containers or Charges invokes non virtual ~std vector double then frees the memory allocated at address victim delete victim typedef..