

c++ Programming Glossary: friendship

How does the friend keyword (Class/Function) break encapsulation in C++?


understand this often make naive efforts to avoid using friendship in situations like the above and often they actually destroy..

How do you mark a struct template as friend?


the correct syntax here What is the correct syntax to give friendship to the template c class templates syntax friend share improve..

Can we increase the re-usability of this key-oriented access-protection pattern?


its own unique key only it can create it will try to get friendship by showing its passkey template typename T class passkey private..

Why does C++ not allow inherited friendship?


does C not allow inherited friendship Why is friendship not at least optionally inheritable in C.. does C not allow inherited friendship Why is friendship not at least optionally inheritable in C I understand transitivity.. know the historical background behind this decision Was friendship really just a limited hack that has since found its way into..

ANSI C equivalent of try/catch?


Diamond inheritance (C++)


strongest more coupling relations in C preceded only by friendship. If you can redesign into using only composition your code will..

Friend scope in C++


John ie they are supervised and protected by John . Also friendship is not symmetric. John has a goverment job so he unfortunately..

C++: static member functions


meta programming Does not work for protected access with friendship as what you are trying to do here is restrict access to the..

Are inner classes in C++ automatically friends?


class nor to classes or functions that have granted friendship to an enclosing class the usual access rules clause 11 shall..

C++ friend inheritance?


keyword To expand And if not is there any way to inherit friendship I have followed Jon's suggestion to post up the design problem..

What's the scope of inline friend functions?


scope either before or after the class definition granting friendship . If a friend function is called its name may be found by the..

C++ implicit type conversion with template


you cannot obtain a function pointer. More on template friendship here but note that in this particular case all the other variants..