c++ Programming Glossary: frequencies
Inverse fourier transformation in OpenCV http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10269456/inverse-fourier-transformation-in-opencv result i.e. with the 0 frequency in the middle negative frequencies left bottom and positive frequencies up right . To invert the.. the middle negative frequencies left bottom and positive frequencies up right . To invert the FFT you need to pass the result of..
HPET's frequency vs CPU frequency for measuring time http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12971110/hpets-frequency-vs-cpu-frequency-for-measuring-time poor in the ms regime . QueryPerformanceCounter delivers frequencies in the MHz to GHz range depending on the underlaying hardware... sources delivers a constant frequency. All of these frequencies are generated by some hardware which has offset and drift ... . Real accurate timing can only be performed when these frequencies are calibrated against the systems RTC. See this publication..
FFT Problem (Returns random results) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1351381/fft-problem-returns-random-results results I've got this code but it keeps returning random frequencies from 0 to about 1050. Please can you help me understand why.. Edit Changed the code but it's still returning random frequencies. c c fft share improve this question Assuming oSignal is..
Converting an FFT to a spectogram http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1679974/converting-an-fft-to-a-spectogram space than audio space. Because the FFT is discrete the frequencies run from 0 to the nyquist frequency. In images the first term..
How do I gaussian blur an image without using any in-built gaussian functions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1696113/how-do-i-gaussian-blur-an-image-without-using-any-in-built-gaussian-functions This will leave only the really big changes in colour high frequencies behind. Edit A 5x5 filter kernel is define exactly as above...
Variance in RDTSC overhead http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6432669/variance-in-rdtsc-overhead long long t_end rdtsc64 times i t_end t_begin print frequencies of cycle counts When running this code I get output like this..
Efficient way of storing Huffman tree http://stackoverflow.com/questions/759707/efficient-way-of-storing-huffman-tree stream file here's my proposal. Do not store the actual frequencies they're not needed for decoding. You do however need the actual..
Finding out the CPU clock frequency (per core, per processor) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8351944/finding-out-the-cpu-clock-frequency-per-core-per-processor frequency or you're happy enough with rdtsc . To get the frequencies of each core on each socket you do that by playing with thread..