c++ Programming Glossary: framebuffer
Can't get masking to work correctly with OpenGL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10400651/cant-get-masking-to-work-correctly-with-opengl . After this step there will be no more red pixels in the framebuffer because you've replaced all the channels of the framebuffer.. because you've replaced all the channels of the framebuffer with the mask texture. I guess you were probably intending to..
DirectX 11 framebuffer capture (C++, no Win32 or D3DX) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10623787/directx-11-framebuffer-capture-c-no-win32-or-d3dx 11 framebuffer capture C no Win32 or D3DX I would like to capture the contents.. revealed the problem . By getting the description of the framebuffer texture and using that as the basis to create the new texture..
How to render offscreen on OpenGL? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12157646/how-to-render-offscreen-on-opengl play. Essentially an FBO lets you create a non default framebuffer like the FRONT and BACK buffers that allow you to draw to a..
game programming http://stackoverflow.com/questions/124322/game-programming mouse joystick 3D hardware via OpenGL and 2D video framebuffer. ODE ODE is an open source high performance library for simulating..
Pointers on modern OpenGL shadow cubemapping? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13999830/pointers-on-modern-opengl-shadow-cubemapping technicalities. Please correct me. For each point light a framebuffer is set up like directional shadowmapping A single cubemap texture.. GL_FLOAT NULL The texture is attached to the framebuffer with a call to glFramebufferTexture GL_FRAMEBUFFER GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT.. like directional shadow mapping. First of all the shadow framebuffer is bound the viewport is adjusted to the size of the shadowmap..
How to draw the graph in framebuffer using c language..? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1830836/how-to-draw-the-graph-in-framebuffer-using-c-language to draw the graph in framebuffer using c language.. i am new to this linux framebuffer so do.. in framebuffer using c language.. i am new to this linux framebuffer so do anybody guide me to draw the line graph in framebuffer... so do anybody guide me to draw the line graph in framebuffer. And i have the code to draw graph in turbo c but now in linux...
openGL SubTexturing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/205522/opengl-subtexturing see and calling glCopyTexSubImage2D just takes part of my framebuffer. Thanks c opengl share improve this question Edit Use glPixelStorei...
OpenGL - mask with multiple textures http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5097145/opengl-mask-with-multiple-textures change the color of any pixels but rather replaces the framebuffer alpha values with values based on the whiteness of the mask... if a pixel is white in the mask then the corresponding framebuffer pixel's alpha will be set to 1. glBlendFuncSeparate GL_ZERO.. a visible result it just changes the alpha values in the framebuffer drawQuad maskTexture Finally we want a blendfunc that makes..
How to develop a DirectFB app without leaving X.11 environment http://stackoverflow.com/questions/521957/how-to-develop-a-directfb-app-without-leaving-x-11-environment just to see the result of my changes. Is there a good framebuffer simulator that suits my needs Qt has one called QVFb but it.. end of DirectFB always crash. So any ideas c linux gui framebuffer directfb share improve this question DirectFB has a X11..
How do glPushMatrix() and glPopMatrix() keep the scene the same? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7031842/how-do-glpushmatrix-and-glpopmatrix-keep-the-scene-the-same that is restored by glPopMatrix . Not the whole framebuffer. The framebuffer contains the rendering of the quadrilateral.. restored by glPopMatrix . Not the whole framebuffer. The framebuffer contains the rendering of the quadrilateral changing the matrix..