c++ Programming Glossary: fps
How to play any video with a fixed frame rate (fps) using OpenCV? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10938804/how-to-play-any-video-with-a-fixed-frame-rate-fps-using-opencv to play any video with a fixed frame rate fps using OpenCV Is there any way or function in OpenCV that allows.. that allows us to play any video with a fixed frame rate fps Different videos may have different frame rates but by using.. files with OpenCV. Here the frame rate is read using int fps int cvGetCaptureProperty capture CV_CAP_PROP_FPS and the delay..
fatal error C1014: too many include files : depth = 1024 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2582521/fatal-error-c1014-too-many-include-files-depth-1024 second period. if mTimer.getGameTime t_base 1.0f float fps float frameCnt fps frameCnt 1 float mspf 1000.0f fps std wostringstream.. mTimer.getGameTime t_base 1.0f float fps float frameCnt fps frameCnt 1 float mspf 1000.0f fps std wostringstream outs outs.precision.. float fps float frameCnt fps frameCnt 1 float mspf 1000.0f fps std wostringstream outs outs.precision 6 outs L FPS fps L n..
OpenCV: process every frame http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3907028/opencv-process-every-frame framerate num_frames elapsed clock last_time int fps 0 if elapsed 1 fps floor num_frames float 1 float elapsed float.. num_frames elapsed clock last_time int fps 0 if elapsed 1 fps floor num_frames float 1 float elapsed float CLOCKS_PER_SEC.. 0 last_time clock 1 CLOCKS_PER_SEC printf FPS d n fps Execute callback on each frame IplImage processed_frame custom_cb..
Sleeping for an exact duration http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5209408/sleeping-for-an-exact-duration framegrabber HW frequency of 300 frames per second fps which fired a HW interrupt on every frame which I then serviced... was extremely tight. I could run 10 minutes of 300 fps and not miss a single frame. Measured interrupt servicing periods..
OpenCV insufficient memory http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5564966/opencv-insufficient-memory 10 maxj 10 div 80 int xmax 480 ymax 640 int frameH frameW fps numFrames double hue sat lum int maxcolor mincolor maxcolval.. int cvGetCaptureProperty capture CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH fps int cvGetCaptureProperty capture CV_CAP_PROP_FPS numFrames int.. printf Width d Height d FPS d Count d n frameH frameW fps numFrames cvNamedWindow win1 CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE cvMoveWindow..
MJPEG streaming and decoding http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6022423/mjpeg-streaming-and-decoding argv 1 always check if capture return 1 get fps needed to set the delay int fps int cvGetCaptureProperty capture.. if capture return 1 get fps needed to set the delay int fps int cvGetCaptureProperty capture CV_CAP_PROP_FPS int frameH.. capture double t2 double cvGetTickCount printf time gms fps .2g n t2 t1 cvGetTickFrequency 1000. 1000. t2 t1 cvGetTickFrequency..
Glew problems, unresolved externals http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11059971/glew-problems-unresolved-externals pos 1 pos 2 char buffer2 255 int pAmmount sprintf buffer2 FPS .2f fPS glRasterPos3f pos 0 pos 1 pos 2 for int i 0 i pAmmount..
How can I load 8 bit bmp with OpenGL? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11980790/how-can-i-load-8-bit-bmp-with-opengl video faster . And in my animation frame rate is important FPS lower than 50 shows flickering. Here is the code void Frame..
fatal error C1014: too many include files : depth = 1024 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2582521/fatal-error-c1014-too-many-include-files-depth-1024 fps std wostringstream outs outs.precision 6 outs L FPS fps L n Milliseconds Per Frame mspf mFrameStats outs.str Reset..
OpenCV: process every frame http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3907028/opencv-process-every-frame num_frames 0 last_time clock 1 CLOCKS_PER_SEC printf FPS d n fps Execute callback on each frame IplImage processed_frame..
How to access structure in other program's memory? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4986047/how-to-access-structure-in-other-programs-memory BYTE ID07E1CE70 0x06AA BYTE ID07E1CDF0 0x06AB BYTE DrawFPS 0x06AC BYTE ID07E1CEF0 0x06AD BYTE ID07E1C8F0 0x06AE BYTE ID07E1C870.. static offset cRenderer drawSkyDome 0 No Sky cRenderer DrawFPS 1 Show FPS In C# I want to be able to use it like this cRenderer.drawSkyDome.. cRenderer drawSkyDome 0 No Sky cRenderer DrawFPS 1 Show FPS In C# I want to be able to use it like this cRenderer.drawSkyDome..
What's the usual way of controlling frame rate? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5508922/whats-the-usual-way-of-controlling-frame-rate Many monitors refresh at 60 Hz so you tend to get 60 FPS. This works quite well to cap framerate to monitor refresh rate.. IMO and much simpler than trying to force a particular FPS count. Assuming you have a simple render loop it starts out..
OpenCV insufficient memory http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5564966/opencv-insufficient-memory fps int cvGetCaptureProperty capture CV_CAP_PROP_FPS numFrames int cvGetCaptureProperty capture CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT.. capture CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT printf Width d Height d FPS d Count d n frameH frameW fps numFrames cvNamedWindow win1 CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE..
Should I learn C before learning C++? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/598552/should-i-learn-c-before-learning-c students. One was particularly good a sort of FPS asteroids game. I decided to take a peek in the src directory..