

c++ Programming Glossary: freestore

Why the below piece of code is not crashing , though i have deleted the object?


Array of objects on stack and heap


myarray stackArray 100 100 objects And on the heap sup or freestore myarray heapArray new myarray 100 delete heapArray when you're.. i a For the pedants C doesn't really have a stack or heap freestore . What we have is automatic storage and dynamic storage duration...

C++: Delete this?


specifically for this http www.parashift.com c faq lite freestore mgmt.html#faq 16.15 I think this quote sums it up nicely As..

What is the difference between the heap and the free store?


exactly satisfactory. Also I can't find any free store or freestore tag on SO until this question I created the former one now ...

Assigning a reference by dereferencing a NULL pointer


Behavior. You should be allocating the pointer on freestore heap using new and then returning a reference pointer to it...

deleting a buffer through a different type of pointer?
