

c++ Programming Glossary: framerate

OpenGL Rotations around World Origin when they should be around Local Origin


was rendered in seconds in order to decouple movement from framerate place our camera newTime RunTime get the time since app start..

OpenCV: process every frame


0 EDIT I changed the code above so it prints the current framerate and performs a manual grayscale conversion . They are small.. fprintf stderr cvQueryFrame failed n break Calculating framerate num_frames elapsed clock last_time int fps 0 if elapsed 1 fps..

What's the usual way of controlling frame rate?


this question There are two usual ways of controlling framerate and neither is quite that simple. The first and more controlling.. Hz so you tend to get 60 FPS. This works quite well to cap framerate to monitor refresh rate but when framerate drops below refresh.. well to cap framerate to monitor refresh rate but when framerate drops below refresh it's forced to the next multiple. Thus as..

MJPEG streaming and decoding


yuv width 640 height 480' queue videorate 'video x raw yuv framerate 30 1' queue ffmpegcolorspace 'video x raw yuv format fourcc..