

c++ Programming Glossary: friend

What is the copy-and-swap idiom?


and we do that as follows class dumb_array public ... friend void swap dumb_array first dumb_array second nothrow enable..

Can we increase the re-usability of this key-oriented access-protection pattern?


this key oriented access protection pattern class SomeKey friend class Foo more friends... SomeKey possibly non copyable too.. protection pattern class SomeKey friend class Foo more friends... SomeKey possibly non copyable too class Bar public void.. too class Bar public void protectedMethod SomeKey only friends of SomeKey have access To avoid continued misunderstandings..

overloading friend operator<< for template class


friend operator for template class I have read couple of the question.. function. But how do I make it work in my case warning friend declaration std ostream operator std ostream const D classT.. and add after the function name here Wno non template friend disables this warning tmp cc6VTWdv.o uppgift4.cc .text 0x180..

What are access specifiers? Should I inherit with private, protected or public?


member function cannot access its members. What is a friend How does friend affect access specification rules You can declare.. cannot access its members. What is a friend How does friend affect access specification rules You can declare a function.. specification rules You can declare a function or class as friend of another class. When you do so the access specification rules..

Build issue with MSVS 2010 and the C++ standard


bases of a class 1 024 . Static members of a class 1 024 . Friend declarations in a class 4 096 . Access control declarations..

How does the friend keyword (Class/Function) break encapsulation in C++?


the encapsulation in C . and some programmer also said Friend functions do not break encapsulation instead they naturally..

Unable to send SMS using AT Commands


vendorId.toLocal8Bit .constData string convertedFriendName friendName.toLocal8Bit .constData cout Port Name convertedPortName.. endl cout Vendor Id convertedVendorId endl cout Friend Name convertedFriendName endl cout endl counter Break if you.. Vendor Id convertedVendorId endl cout Friend Name convertedFriendName endl cout endl counter Break if you found Huwawei USB dongle..

Friend access to protected nested class


access to protected nested class I have the following C code..

Making an undefined class as friend, and defining it later


names declared in a class template The Standard says Friend classes or functions can be declared within a class template...

Friend scope in C++


scope in C If I have three classes A B C. A and B are friends.. advice question. c friend share improve this question Friendship in C is not transitive John is a friend of mine and he can.. and thus I don't let him use my wireless connection. Friendship is NOT inherited Also John's children are a bunch of hooligans..

Maximum number of parameters in function declaration


bases of a class 1 024 . Static members of a class 1 024 . Friend declarations in a class 4 096 . Access control declarations..