

c# Programming Glossary: department

Method Overloading. Can you overuse it?


int supervisorId public IList Employee GetEmployeesByDepartment int departmentId There is also the opportunity to introduce.. Person supervisor public IList Employee GetEmployeesByDepartment int departmentId public IList Employee GetEmployeesByDepartment.. int departmentId public IList Employee GetEmployeesByDepartment Department department Examples for GetProduct public IList Product..

How does TransactionScope roll back transactions?


example code I've found is as follows public static int AddDepartmentWithEmployees Department dept int res 0 DepartmentAdapter deptAdapter.. is as follows public static int AddDepartmentWithEmployees Department dept int res 0 DepartmentAdapter deptAdapter new DepartmentAdapter.. int AddDepartmentWithEmployees Department dept int res 0 DepartmentAdapter deptAdapter new DepartmentAdapter EmployeeAdapter empAdapter..

When is it better to store flags as a bitmask rather than using an associative table?


Option 1 Use an associative table. User UserId PK Name Department Permission PermissionId PK Name User_Permission UserId FK PermissionId.. 2 Store a bitmask for each user. User UserId PK Name Department Permissions Flags enum Permissions Read 1 Create 2 Download..

Count total rows of gridview with pagination


based on vacancy Language C# MasterPageFile ~ HR Department hrmasterpage.master AutoEventWireup true CodeFile searcAppForVac.aspx.cs.. true CodeFile searcAppForVac.aspx.cs Inherits HR_Department_searcAppForVac asp Content ID Content1 ContentPlaceHolderID.. asp ListItem asp DropDownList td td width 20 Select Department td td width 30 asp DropDownList ID deptList runat server..

Compare two Lists for differences


a simple Employee class that has three properties Name ID Department. We want to report the differences between List and another..

Serializable classes and dynamic proxies in EF - how?


String GivenName String Surname String Title String Department in C Users . Documents Visual Studio 2010 Projects . Website.. String GivenName String Surname String Title String Department in C Users . Documents Visual Studio 2010 Projects . Website..

How to implement custom JsonConverter in JSON.NET to deserialize a List of base class objects


get set public class Employee Person public string Department get set public string JobTitle get set public class Artist Person.. How do I deserialize following Json back to List Person Department Department1 JobTitle JobTitle1 FirstName FirstName1 LastName.. deserialize following Json back to List Person Department Department1 JobTitle JobTitle1 FirstName FirstName1 LastName LastName1..

Difference between association, aggregation and composition


belongs to another parent object. Let ™s take an example of Department and teacher. A single teacher can not belongs to multiple departments..

Are there any suggestions for developing a C# coding standards / best practices document? [closed]


fallen to me primarily as I'm the first 'adopter' in the department to create a basic read useful C# coding standards document...

Method Overloading. Can you overuse it?


public IList Employee GetEmployeesByDepartment int departmentId There is also the opportunity to introduce overloading for.. public IList Employee GetEmployeesByDepartment int departmentId public IList Employee GetEmployeesByDepartment Department.. public IList Employee GetEmployeesByDepartment Department department Examples for GetProduct public IList Product GetProductById..

Background Intelligent Transfer Service In C#


customers upload logs dumps etc. to our customer support department. You could use it directly via PInvoke COMInterop but I suggest..

Accounting Database - storing credit and debit?


means you keep two sets of books one for the tax department to minimise tax paid and one for reality. However it really..

How does TransactionScope roll back transactions?


method made to return Department ID after inserting the department Identity Column dept.DepartmentID deptAdapter.GetInsertReturnValue..

Get List of Users From Active Directory In A Given AD Group


AD Group I have code that searches for all users in a department string Department Billing DirectorySearcher LdapSearcher new.. cn LdapSearcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add department LdapSearcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add title LdapSearcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add.. LdapSearcher.Filter string.Format objectClass user department 0 Department SearchResultCollection src LdapSearcher.FindAll..

How to get the groups of a user in Active Directory? (c#, asp.net)


as DirectoryEntry if de null if de.Properties.Contains department result de.Properties department 0 .ToString return result.. if de.Properties.Contains department result de.Properties department 0 .ToString return result Update #2 seems shouldn't be too.. as DirectoryEntry if de null if de.Properties.Contains department result de.Properties department 0 .ToString return result..

What is the difference between Directory.EnumerateFiles vs Directory.GetFiles?


Count total rows of gridview with pagination


sendMailBtn.Visible false try if IsPostBack Disable department dropdown list and vacancy dropdown list till company is not.. the list. else if companyList.SelectedIndex 0 Disable department dropdown list and vacancy dropdown list till company is not..

implementation of composition and aggregation in C#? [closed]


necessarily true. For example a university owns various departments e.g. chemistry and each department has a number of professors... owns various departments e.g. chemistry and each department has a number of professors. If the university closes the departments.. has a number of professors. If the university closes the departments will no longer exist but the professors in those departments..

Unzip files programmatically in .net


downloading any third party libraries or apps the security department ain't too fancy about that... c# unzip share improve this..

Difference between association, aggregation and composition


and teacher. A single teacher can not belongs to multiple departments but if we delete the department teacher object will not destroy... not belongs to multiple departments but if we delete the department teacher object will not destroy. We can think about œhas a relationship...

namespace naming conventions


specify that certain directory name components be division department project machine or login names. So if I had a super awesome..