

c# Programming Glossary: dep

Using IoC for Unit Testing


uses Constructor Injection public MyClass IMyDependency dep In your entire application it may be that there's a huge dependency.. In your entire application it may be that there's a huge dependency graph hidden behind IMyDependency but in a unit test.. to generate the Test Double but it is not required. var dep new Mock IMyDependency .Object var sut new MyClass dep In some..

Dependency Inject (DI) “friendly” library


directly on a regular basis and support classes that are dependencies of those more common end user classes. The question.. of work a user has to do to create all these unimportant dependencies just to get to the real classes they want to use. My.. contain the coupling to those few factories. Thoughts c# dependency injection inversion of control share improve this question..

Sort on multiple columns in WPF datagrid


object sender MouseButtonEventArgs e DependencyObject dep DependencyObject e.OriginalSource while dep null dep is DataGridCell.. dep DependencyObject e.OriginalSource while dep null dep is DataGridCell dep is DataGridColumnHeader dep VisualTreeHelper.GetParent.. dep DependencyObject e.OriginalSource while dep null dep is DataGridCell dep is DataGridColumnHeader dep VisualTreeHelper.GetParent..