

c# Programming Glossary: demonstrate

Using Side-by-Side assemblies to load the x64 or x32 version of a DLL


and use directory based lookup to load appropriate DLL. To demonstrate this technique I am attaching a short command line based tutorial...

C# string reference type?


to a string because strings are immutable but we can demonstrate it with a StringBuilder instead using System using System.Text..

What is the best scripting language to embed in a C# desktop application? [closed]


is your friend . I've implemented a quick application to demonstrate how you can implement this system includes 2 working scripts..

C# Winform ProgressBar and BackgroundWorker


at various points within your long running task. So to demonstrate this you might want to change your code to sleep for 1 second..

How to remove elements from a generic list while iterating over it?


item item.Value someValue Here's a simplified example to demonstrate var list new List int Enumerable.Range 1 10 Console.WriteLine..

Overhead of a .NET array?


Here's a slightly neater IMO short but complete program to demonstrate the same thing using System class Test const int Size 100000..

How do I create 7-Zip archives with .NET?


is why I posted here ... Any working code examples that demonstrate creating a 7zip archive that is able to be extracted by the..

foreach vs someList.Foreach(){}


These examples aren't best practice they are just to demonstrate the differences between ForEach and foreach . Removing items..

How to catch SQLServer timeout exceptions


Your code would read if ex.Number 2 handle timeout Code to demonstrate failure try SqlConnection sql new SqlConnection @ Network Library..

how to make a wizard with ASP.Net MVC


probably squeeze some overtime out of your boss when you demonstrate in about twenty minutes of effort you spend during lunch how..

Is a double really unsuitable for money?


could happen. But I can't seem to create an example to demonstrate some of these issues. Can anyone provide such an example edit..

How does the ternary operator work?


does the ternary operator work Please demonstrate how the ternary operator works with a regular if else block...

Write Array to Excel Range


DataTable like I did the code excerpt is just to demonstrate how an array can be written to worksheet in single call. share..

Can I use ASP.NET MVC together with regular ASP.NET Web forms


inside a webforms .aspx page The text below is meant to demonstrate how you can utilize MVC from inside a webforms page. For example..

How can I block keyboard and mouse input in C#?


C# unsafe value type array to byte array conversions


float arrays it does not work the other way around. To demonstrate StructLayout LayoutKind.Explicit struct UnionArray FieldOffset..

Injecting dependencies into ASP.NET MVC 3 action filters. What's wrong with this approach?


are all these hoops still necessary Allow me to demonstrate public class MyActionFilter ActionFilterAttribute private IMyService..

Maintaining an open Redis connection using BookSleeve


answer to that question draws the right way but does not demonstrate concrete code. I hope this thread will get solid answers and..

C# Finalize/Dispose pattern


Do stuff here I have developed this simple code below to demonstrate the Finalize dispose pattern public class NoGateway IDisposable..