c# Programming Glossary: denote
“out T” vs. “T” in Generics http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10956993/out-t-vs-t-in-generics this question The out keyword in generics is used to denote that the type T in the interface is covariant. See Covariance..
Is double Multiplication Broken in .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1420752/is-double-multiplication-broken-in-net in binary one binary number for 69 and another to denote the position of the decimal place. How do I work around this..
Class vs. Interface http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2271104/class-vs-interface don't have and don't need implementation details they only denote what objects which implement them are doing. Not how . Why is.. there is an interfaces Comparable in Java at least . It denotes that its implementors can be compared with each other. So you..
variable scope in statement blocks http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2693138/variable-scope-in-statement-blocks meaning to i which is already used in a child scope to denote something else The error message is telling you what the error..
Create an object knowing only the class name? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/296251/create-an-object-knowing-only-the-class-name
Child Scope & CS0136 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/296755/child-scope-cs0136 to 'st' which is already used in a 'child' scope to denote something else var l new List string l.Find st st.EndsWith 12..
What are Generic Collections in C#? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/361336/what-are-generic-collections-in-c This question already has an answer here What does T denote in C# 3 answers I'm trying to build my first generic..
What's the best way to monitor a socket for new data and then process that data? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/453609/whats-the-best-way-to-monitor-a-socket-for-new-data-and-then-process-that-data you're expecting a header In which case looking for 0 will denote the end of a message or if you're waiting for a certain amount..
Why can't a duplicate variable name be declared in a nested local scope? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6156449/why-cant-a-duplicate-variable-name-be-declared-in-a-nested-local-scope meaning to 'i' which is already used in a 'child' scope to denote something else c# .net share improve this question I don't..
Difference between covariance and upcasting http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6707619/difference-between-covariance-and-upcasting Let's say you have a mapping F from types to types I'll denote this mapping by F T given a type T its image under the mapping..
Moving to next control on Enter keypress in WPF http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8203329/moving-to-next-control-on-enter-keypress-in-wpf box. Also note that Instead of using the tag property to denote whether or not the focus should move on I use the AcceptsReturn..
Any reason to write the “private” keyword in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8479214/any-reason-to-write-the-private-keyword-in-c or why does it even exist Specifying this explicitly helps denote your intention to make the type private very explicitly. This..
What does <T> denote in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9857180/what-does-t-denote-in-c-sharp does T denote in C# I'm new to C# and directly diving into modifying some..