

c# Programming Glossary: demo

Excel interop: _Worksheet or Worksheet?


I've no idea what the difference is. In my absurdly simple demo app shown below either works fine but if best practice dictates..

How to secure an ASP.NET Web API


signature with previous request it will be rejected. The demo code is put as here https github.com cuongle WebAPI.Hmac share..

How to submit http form using C#


string url setup some variables String username demo String password password String firstname John String lastname..

Illustrating usage of the volatile keyword in C#


Do you know how to simulate such a problem in a simple demo app Does it depend on hardware c# .net volatile share improve.. from wiki but with some changes for C#. The wiki article demonstrates this for static field of C it is looks like C# allways..

How do you add a timer to a C# console application


Visualizing an AST created with ANTLR (in a .Net environment)


party viewer to display this tree graph . Here's a quick demo in Java I know little C# sorry . Take the following overly simplistic..

Mono Compiler as a Service (MCS)


from http tirania.org blog archive 2010 Apr 27.html in the demo repl.zip file...and that does not throw an exception...However.. I'd like to figure out why the dll I downloaded from the demo repl.zip returns null. EDIT I figured out why it returns null...

Comparison of XSD Code Generators


Seems to be more aligned to Java XSDCodeGen More of a demo on how to write a custom build tool CodeXS Quite a good tool..

A PictureBox Problem


for image1 and image2 to suitable images. Once the demo is started the middle image can be dragged dropped around the..

Can a C# thread really cache a value and ignore changes to that value on other threads?


bool stopping false static void Main BackgroundTaskDemo demo new BackgroundTaskDemo new Thread demo.DoWork .Start Thread.Sleep.. BackgroundTaskDemo demo new BackgroundTaskDemo new Thread demo.DoWork .Start Thread.Sleep 5000 demo.stopping true static void.. new Thread demo.DoWork .Start Thread.Sleep 5000 demo.stopping true static void DoWork while stopping Do something..

Numbered listbox


and need to display each item's row number. In this demo I have a Person class with a Name string property. The listbox..

Capturing webpage as image in c#, ensuring javascript rendered elements are visible


contents of the chart on this page http www.highcharts.com demo combo dual axes Perhaps the javascript doesn't have time to.. capture.Create http www.highcharts.com demo combo dual axes void capture_HtmlImageCapture object sender..

What are some popular OCR algorithms?


to attempt to build a simple Optical Character Recognition demo in C#. I'm looking for a description of some common OCR algorithms..

Why is Thread.Sleep so harmful


made mistake is using Thread.Sleep with a while construct demo and answer nice blog entry EDIT I would like to enhance my answer..

ServiceStack.Net Redis: Storing Related Objects vs. Related Object Ids


this is in the C# Source code of the Redis StackOverflow demo where the relationship of Users Questions and Users Answers..

How to use c# Dll in vc++?


where dll resides. main.cpp using namespace Test void main demo d d.add 5 5 error namespace Test Does not exist. How to resolve..

Why can I pass 1 as a short, but not the int variable i?


being allowed but not the last really blows my mind. Demo to show compile error using System class Program public static..

How to UAC elevate a COM component with .NET


share improve this question Look at Windows Vista UAC Demo Sample Code You also need the Vista Bridge sample for UnsafeNativeMethods.CoGetObject..

Dynamically Updating TabControl Content at Runtime


Initialize Menu Items Button AddMap new Button Button AddDemoMap new Button Button RemoveMap new Button Button MoveSelected.. new Button Define Button Text AddMap.Content Add Map AddDemoMap.Content Add Demo Map RemoveMap.Content Remove Map MoveSelected.Content.. Text AddMap.Content Add Map AddDemoMap.Content Add Demo Map RemoveMap.Content Remove Map MoveSelected.Content Move..

What are regular expression Balancing Groups?


stack ^ ^ Open Content Open Open Kobi provided this Live Demo in his answer So taking all of these things together we can..

WPF WebBrowser Control - position:fixed Element jumps while scrolling (Windows 8)


VerticalAlignment Stretch Grid.Row 1 Grid Window Demo Page HTML DOCTYPE html html head meta http equiv X UA Compatible..

Request Windows Vista UAC elevation if path is protected?


within the Windows SDK Cross Technology Samples called UAC Demo . This demonstration application shows a method of executing..

The best approach to create new window in WPF using MVVM


window main view . If user clicks on the Show button then Demo window modal dialog should be displayed. What is a preferable..

Is it possible to intercept (or be aware of) COM Reference counting on CLR objects exposed to COM


COM .NET Class called Calculator in a namespaces called DemoLib. Note this implements IDisposable where for demo purpose.. component error true debug true registration description Demo Math Library Script progid Calculator.Lib version 1.00 classid.. MsgBox Created. Set dotNetMatFunctionLib CreateObject DemoLib.Calculator end sub private sub class_terminate dotNetMatFunctionLib.Dispose..

Calling an overridden method from a parent class ctor


B extends A public void foo System.out.println B.foo class Demo public static void main String args B b new B C# echoes B.foo..

Serializing anonymous delegates in C#


f.FieldType return obj Listing 1 adapted from Counting Demo The main issue I can think of that might be a problem is that.. see this post that I wrote as a followup to the CountingDemo http dotnet.agilekiwi.com blog 2007 12 update on persistent..

Visual Studio Async CTP - How does it work?


of the state machine. For example this code async Task Demo var v1 foo var v2 await bar more v1 v2 Would be translated to.. more v1 v2 Would be translated to something like class _Demo int _v1 _v2 int _state 0 Task int _await1 public void Step switch..

Simple Facebook Connect Demo in ASP.NET


Facebook Connect Demo in ASP.NET Does anyone have a simple and successful demo implementation..

How to Identify where Instances of an object are Still Referenced?


via DGML Thanks to Richard Szalay Also this video GCRoot Demo from Chris Lovett is very educative on the subject. c# .net..

WP7 (windows phone 7) HttpWebRequest losing POST data


asynchronousResult Create the post data Demo POST data length 3762 string postData data iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAFoAAAASCAYAAADbo8kDAAAKyElEQVR4nG2YB3TNVxzHm5eEDHuF2GJUjVRqb2okiMRWqtG0KKI4aq8mUQQ5FRWrhNi1Z6lWazSrRm1iVBDESiIxEkH6Pu.. using Microsoft.Phone.Controls namespace DemoProject public partial class MainPage PhoneApplicationPage Constructor.. asynchronousResult Create the post data Demo POST data string postData data iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAFoAAAASCAYAAADbo8kDAAAKyElEQVR4nG2YB3TNVxzHm5eEDHuF2GJUjVRqb2okiMRWqtG0KKI4aq8mUQQ5FRWrhNi1Z6lWazSrRm1iVBDESiIxEkH6Pu..

how to use XPath with XDocument?


with xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 Report Id ID1 Type Demo Report Created 2011 01 01T01 01 01 11 00 Culture en xmlns http.. en xmlns http demo.com 2011 demo schema ReportInfo Name Demo Report Name CreatedBy Unit Test CreatedBy ReportInfo Report..

.NET call to send [enter] keystroke into the current process, which is a console app?


app as long as the current console app has the focus. Demo code InputSimulator.SimulateKeyPress VirtualKeyCode.RETURN Console.Write..

How can I limit Parallel.ForEach?


number or any other limiter while running Parallel.ForEach Demo code Parallel.ForEach listOfWebpages webpage Download webpage..