c# Programming Glossary: previously
C# - Correct Way to Load Assembly, Find Class and Call Run() Method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1137781/c-sharp-correct-way-to-load-assembly-find-class-and-call-run-method its own AppDomain first. So instead of the answer given previously var asm Assembly.LoadFile @ C myDll.dll var type asm.GetType..
Soft Delete Entity Framework Code First http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12698793/soft-delete-entity-framework-code-first Schema .Value es.MetadataProperties Table .Value I had previously created indexes on natural keys in a migration with code that..
GUI and windows service communication http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1773046/gui-and-windows-service-communication TCP. Are there other methods How do they rank against the previously mentioned methods How complicated are they to implement My application..
Using CookieContainer with WebClient class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1777221/using-cookiecontainer-with-webclient-class CookieContainer with WebClient class I've previously used a CookieContainer with HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse..
Options for embedding Chromium instead of IE WebBrowser control with WPF/C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18119125/options-for-embedding-chromium-instead-of-ie-webbrowser-control-with-wpf-c HTML editing. Similar questions have been asked here previously. I've read the answers and done my own research but I hope to..
Recommend an Open Source .NET Barcode Reader Library [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/191192/recommend-an-open-source-net-barcode-reader-library from an Image II . The author James improves and credits a previously written VB library to decode barcodes from an image using only..
C# Object Pooling Pattern implementation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2510975/c-sharp-object-pooling-pattern-implementation sessions instead of creating a single focal point as I was previously doing. Hopefully that background offers some value but to directly..
Keep window on top and steal focus in WinForms http://stackoverflow.com/questions/278237/keep-window-on-top-and-steal-focus-in-winforms the top most setting. Focus I asked a similar question previously here on StackOverflow and the answer would solve your problem...
In what areas might the use of F# be more appropriate than C#? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2785029/in-what-areas-might-the-use-of-f-be-more-appropriate-than-c have written in F# in the past year or so that you would previously have written in C#. c# f# share improve this question I..
Under what circumstances is an SqlConnection automatically enlisted in an ambient TransactionScope Transaction? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2884863/under-what-circumstances-is-an-sqlconnection-automatically-enlisted-in-an-ambien enlist the connection in a new transaction. Update If you previously called BeginTransaction on the connection a slightly different..
Best Free Controls for .NET [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/361271/best-free-controls-for-net DevExpress Controls Suite Ajax Control Kit CKEditor previously known as FckEditor TinyMCE UserName Availability Control Webforms..
Is this thread.abort() normal and safe? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/421389/is-this-thread-abort-normal-and-safe When the user types very fast the program must cancel the previously executing request thread. I previously implemented it as AsyncCallback.. must cancel the previously executing request thread. I previously implemented it as AsyncCallback first but i find it cumbersome.. of the BeginInvoke'd object so you can terminate the previously executing thread. Besides if I continued the AsyncCallback there's..
Deep copy of List<T> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4226747/deep-copy-of-listt When I get the subset again using List.GetRange I get previously modified data not the raw data retrieved elsewhere. Can anyone..
DateTime vs DateTimeOffset http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4331189/datetime-vs-datetimeoffset technical and legal concerns. If you ever need to modify a previously recorded DateTimeOffset you don't have enough information in..
How to programatically set selected Panorama item in WP7 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4622214/how-to-programatically-set-selected-panorama-item-in-wp7 and therefore leave the app it does not return to the previously selected PanoramaItem. Instead it returns to the first item..
What does the [Flags] Enum Attribute mean in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8447/what-does-the-flags-enum-attribute-mean-in-c has been set... Under the covers This works because you previously used multiples of two in you enumeration. Under the covers your..
How to write a scalable Tcp/Ip based server http://stackoverflow.com/questions/869744/how-to-write-a-scalable-tcp-ip-based-server this bug may be fixed but it was a major pain in the ass previously so make sure there is only one BeginAccept running _serverSocket.BeginAccept..
Why is ushort + ushort equal to int? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10065287/why-is-ushort-ushort-equal-to-int is ushort ushort equal to int Previously today I was trying to add two ushorts and I noticed that I had..
Howto load assemby at runtime before AssemblyResolve event? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1159192/howto-load-assemby-at-runtime-before-assemblyresolve-event the different places Due to the facts from Checking for Previously Referenced Assemblies i thought it would be possible to load..
Why does string.Compare seem to handle accented characters inconsistently? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1371813/why-does-string-compare-seem-to-handle-accented-characters-inconsistently that's meant to get every string beginning with 'xxx'. Previously I was using the Linq 'Where' method but now I have to use this..
InvalidCastException for Object of the same type - Custom Control Load http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14796546/invalidcastexception-for-object-of-the-same-type-custom-control-load OneProduct_MediumImage.ascx do some work with OneProduct Previously I have Load the control without the ASP. but after this bug..
How to remove elements from a generic list while iterating over it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1582285/how-to-remove-elements-from-a-generic-list-while-iterating-over-it can't use for int i 0 i elements.Count i and .RemoveAt i . Previously I have done crazy things like this summary building a generic..
Authenticate and request a user's timeline with Twitter API 1.1 oAuth http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17067996/authenticate-and-request-a-users-timeline-with-twitter-api-1-1-oauth migrate to API v1.1.' error in a few of my web sites. Previously I have been using javascript json to make these calls to http..
Reading twitter feed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17206726/reading-twitter-feed twitter feed Previously I was using http api.twitter.com 1 statuses user_timeline.json..
Is it possible to run a .net 4.5 app on XP? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17499351/is-it-possible-to-run-a-net-4-5-app-on-xp Most notably that happened for the Extension attribute. Previously in System.Core.dll it got moved to Mscorlib.dll in .NET 4.5...
Where does error CS0433 “Type 'X' already exists in both A.dll and B.dll ” come from? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1757289/where-does-error-cs0433-type-x-already-exists-in-both-a-dll-and-b-dll-come They're almost empty with an asp Label on the page. Previously this webapp worked fine. When I remove any references in Default.aspx.cs..
Dynamically Created Controls losing data after postback http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17589268/dynamically-created-controls-losing-data-after-postback TextBoxes . But the Problem is that My Entered text in the Previously Generated Textboxes is Missing. Can Anyone Suggest me a solution..
Boxing and unboxing: when does it come up? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1949122/boxing-and-unboxing-when-does-it-come-up x.Add 10 int y x 0 No boxing or unboxing required at all. Previously we'd have had ArrayList x new ArrayList x.Add 10 Boxing int..
EF4 Code First: how to add a relationship without adding a navigation property http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5217441/ef4-code-first-how-to-add-a-relationship-without-adding-a-navigation-property Code First but without using any navigation properties Previously I have defined One Many and Many Many by using navigation properties..
Entity Framework 0..1 to 0 relation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5980260/entity-framework-0-1-to-0-relation to apply this mapping with Entity Framework 4.1 EDIT Previously that was my solution this.HasOptional s s.First .WithOptionalDependent..