c# Programming Glossary: prerequisites
What's the fastest way to bulk insert a lot of data in SQL Server (C# client) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24200/whats-the-fastest-way-to-bulk-insert-a-lot-of-data-in-sql-server-c-client to perform an efficient bulk insert. Further reading Prerequisites for Minimal Logging in Bulk Import Optimizing Bulk Import Performance..
convert doc to pdf in c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4908819/convert-doc-to-pdf-in-c-sharp WordDoc.Quit ref Unknown ref Unknown ref Unknown Prerequisites MS word2007 with Primary Interoperability assembly will be installed..
how to read from Xml File and put the list of element in listView on the form http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9939567/how-to-read-from-xml-file-and-put-the-list-of-element-in-listview-on-the-form Structures Name Capacity 5 Capacity Semester 1 Semester Prerequisites none Prerequisites LectureSlot Monday 9 11 LectureSlot TutorialSlot.. Capacity 5 Capacity Semester 1 Semester Prerequisites none Prerequisites LectureSlot Monday 9 11 LectureSlot TutorialSlot Monday 11 1pm.. 3D Graphics 1 Name Capacity 5 Capacity Semester 1 Semester Prerequisites none Prerequisites LectureSlot Monday 2 4pm LectureSlot TutorialSlot..