c# Programming Glossary: presents
Launching GUI App from Windows Service - Window Does Not Appear http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1109271/launching-gui-app-from-windows-service-window-does-not-appear After starting the service the exe got launched it only presents in the memory but it doesnt show in the explorer. I'm trying..
Exclude property from serialization via custom attribute (json.net) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13588022/exclude-property-from-serialization-via-custom-attribute-json-net article on the subject before reading below. The article presents two methods Create a method that returns bool based on a naming..
Why doesn't Array class expose its indexer directly? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14533082/why-doesnt-array-class-expose-its-indexer-directly ToArray T this T source My code knows how to make souce presents an array at runtime . And I'm trying to allow the consuming..
Physical disk size not correct (IoCtlDiskGetDriveGeometry) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15051660/physical-disk-size-not-correct-ioctldiskgetdrivegeometry like a vector . Thus the class CubicAddress has two usages presents an address of sector describes the geometry CHS LBA conversions..
CryptographicException: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed and Validation of viewstate MAC failed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1821243/cryptographicexception-padding-is-invalid-and-cannot-be-removed-and-validation . One more comment the __EVENTVALIDATION is not always presents so is maybe safer not to search for this field if you make a..
Why differs floating-point precision in C# when separated by parantheses and when separated by statements? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2491161/why-differs-floating-point-precision-in-c-sharp-when-separated-by-parantheses-an orient1.W orient2.W W Granted the error is small and only presents itself after a large number of iterations but it has caused..
How frequent is DateTime.Now updated ? or is there a more precise API to get the current time? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/307582/how-frequent-is-datetime-now-updated-or-is-there-a-more-precise-api-to-get-the least 10 ms apart even if it's only 2 or 3 ms later. This presents a major problem since the state i'm saving depends on the time.. in a loop Each row contains 100 characters and thus represents 100ms of time on a clean run . So this screen covers roughly..
method overloading vs optional parameter in C# 4.0 [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3316402/method-overloading-vs-optional-parameter-in-c-sharp-4-0 conjunction with 'Named Parameters' in C# 4.0 is that it presents us with an elegant alternative to method overloading where you..
Since .NET has a garbage collector why do we need finalizers/destructors/dispose-pattern? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/331786/since-net-has-a-garbage-collector-why-do-we-need-finalizers-destructors-dispose calls the finalizer on the StreamWriter object. This presents a problem since in the meantime the method might be called again..
Mono Compiler as a Service (MCS) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3407318/mono-compiler-as-a-service-mcs of emitting one assembly per evaluate call otherwise it presents a major memory leak which I've dealt with before in the form..
Operation could destabilize the runtime? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/378895/operation-could-destabilize-the-runtime Arrays in the article I linked I believe a similar problem presents itself here. With your first example you are returning an IEnumerable..
C# GUI Programming Starting http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4310442/c-sharp-gui-programming-starting Visual C# Guided Tour The Visual C# Guided Tour presents a series of lessons that introduce you to the Visual C# Express..
Cast an Anonymous Types in Object and retrieve one Field http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6901506/cast-an-anonymous-types-in-object-and-retrieve-one-field types share improve this question The options Joseph presents are good ones but there is a horrible way you can do this. It's..
Why does the C# compiler complain that “types may unify” when they derive from different base classes? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7664790/why-does-the-c-sharp-compiler-complain-that-types-may-unify-when-they-derive-f void Handle T t Then multiple inheritance of the interface presents another problem. You might reasonably decide to make this interface..
How do I restore a file from the recycle bin using C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/911391/how-do-i-restore-a-file-from-the-recycle-bin-using-c You most likely have to resort to P Invoke. This article presents a solution in C using the SHFileOperation API. share improve..