c# Programming Glossary: primer
Reading a value from root node XML http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15766006/reading-a-value-from-root-node-xml nomear XmlNodeList ml xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName XmlNode primer xmlDoc.DocumentElement exti primer.Name With this code I read.. XmlNode primer xmlDoc.DocumentElement exti primer.Name With this code I read nfeProc cancTE and cteProc . How..
converting numbers in to words C# [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2729752/converting-numbers-in-to-words-c-sharp into its verbal representation Can anybody give me a primer code I could work on in converting numbers into words Converting..
What is the .NET standard for remote method invocation? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3560107/what-is-the-net-standard-for-remote-method-invocation WCF Developer's Primer from CODE Magazine A quick summary primer of what's covered in the other two share improve this answer..
Java and .net for PHP programmer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/418597/java-and-net-for-php-programmer have loops for example so it can be useful to have a primer on the syntactic differences for the structures you're familiar.. for the structures you're familiar with. So here's a primer on the syntactic differences between PHP and Java . share improve..
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Timeout expired http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4719841/system-data-sqlclient-sqlexception-timeout-expired 5 and work down from there if nothing shows up. Here is a primer on that topic. Once you identify the long running queries execute.. in a local copy and examine the execution plans. Here is a primer for that but to start out look for table scan . Ultimately either..
Expression.Lambda and query generation at runtime, simplest “Where” example http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8315819/expression-lambda-and-query-generation-at-runtime-simplest-where-example value Expression.Constant Soap equality expression in my primer var equals Expression.Equal prop value then lambda var lambda..