c# Programming Glossary: prepend
Order of LINQ extension methods does not affect performance? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10110013/order-of-linq-extension-methods-does-not-affect-performance I'm surprised that it apparently doesn't matter whether i prepend or append LINQ extension methods. Tested with Enumerable.FirstOrDefault.. seconds I would have guessed that it would be slower to prepend Where since it must find all matching items and then take the.. question I would have guessed that it would be slower to prepend Where since it must find all matching items and then take the..
c# call Win32 API for long file paths? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1248816/c-sharp-call-win32-api-for-long-file-paths string filepath If file path is disk file path then prepend it with if file path is UNC prepend it with UNC and remove.. disk file path then prepend it with if file path is UNC prepend it with UNC and remove prefix in unc path. if filepath.StartsWith..
Why does BinaryWriter prepend gibberish to the start of a stream? How do you avoid it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1488486/why-does-binarywriter-prepend-gibberish-to-the-start-of-a-stream-how-do-you-avo does BinaryWriter prepend gibberish to the start of a stream How do you avoid it I'm.. w.Write test w.Close fs.Close Unfortunately this ends up prepending a box to the front of the file and it looks like so TEST..
Static and Instance methods with the same name? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/160118/static-and-instance-methods-with-the-same-name also be called from non static contexts without needing to prepend the class name so MyStaticMethod instead of MyClass.MyStaticMethod..
Encrypt/Decrypt string in .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/202011/encrypt-decrypt-string-in-net using MemoryStream msEncrypt new MemoryStream prepend the IV msEncrypt.Write BitConverter.GetBytes aesAlg.IV.Length..
Winforms Double Buffering http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3718380/winforms-double-buffering
Using the Razor view engine in a different way http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3808076/using-the-razor-view-engine-in-a-different-way add the fully qualified model type to the @inherits and prepend that to the file contents. public class RazorViewEngineRender..
byte[] to unsigned BigInteger? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5649190/byte-to-unsigned-biginteger an UNSIGNED BigInteger from a byte in C# Should I simply prepend a 0x00 zero byte to the front of the byte EDIT Thank you to..
Do you use 'this' in front of instance variables? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/762025/do-you-use-this-in-front-of-instance-variables properties of a class from within the class itself do you prepend them with this. c# coding style share improve this question..
When does `Assembly.GetType(name)` return `null`? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8141190/when-does-assembly-gettypename-return-null most likely reason is it's either misspelled or you didn't prepend the type name with the namespace. This method only searches..