

c# Programming Glossary: prettier

How to select min and max values of a column in a datatable?


Garbage collection when using anonymous delegates for event handling


to note have to not want to because lambdas are so much prettier and concise it's possible to make it work if you get a little..

C# delegate for two methods with different parameters


s t Finally C# 3.0 makes this all a lot easier and prettier with lambdas but that is another topic p share improve this..

Linq order by, group by and order by each group?


the results to a different list using AddRange. Is there a prettier way to do that c# linq group by sql order by share improve..

Compress large Integers into smallest possible string


data2 long decoded BitConverter.ToInt64 data2 0 Making it prettier Since base 64 has been determined to use 6 characters then any..

HTML Agility pack - parsing tables


cell cell.InnerText Note that you can make it prettier with LINQ to Objects if you want var query from table in doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes..

Understanding events and event handlers in C#


as the parameters . Assigning an event handler is just a prettier easier way of adding your method to this list of methods to..