

c# Programming Glossary: prices

How to license an application developed in C#


for example http ellipter.com available for generally low prices most of which implement the standard try buy features limited..

Integer summing blues, short += short problem


short plus short was short and see what happens short prices 10000 15000 11000 short average prices 0 prices 1 prices 2 3.. what happens short prices 10000 15000 11000 short average prices 0 prices 1 prices 2 3 And the average is of course 9845 if this.. short prices 10000 15000 11000 short average prices 0 prices 1 prices 2 3 And the average is of course 9845 if this calculation..

HtmlAgilityPack WebGet.Load gives error “Object reference not set to an instance of an object”


an object&rdquo I am on a project about getting new car prices from dealers websites. I can fetch most web sites html. But..

Difference between events and delegates and its respective applications


called Limit and it raises an event when the stock prices reaches the Limit. This notification is done via an event. Whether..

Conversion tool comparisons for visual basic 6.0 [closed]


vendor seems to offer one. What did they charge their prices are not published and I have heard wildly differing prices from.. prices are not published and I have heard wildly differing prices from different sources for both the above examples c# vb.net.. migrating VB6 to VB.NET. Both have published special offer prices for the UK market on their basic products on this Microsoft..

DataGridView bound to a Dictionary


a Dictionary I have a Dictionary that contains items and prices. The items are unique but slowly get added and updated through.. in Main bList new DictionaryBindingList string decimal prices dgv.DataSource bList Then during program execution if a new.. execution if a new entry is added to the dictionary prices.Add foobar 234.56M bList.ResetBindings I thought that would..

What type of collection should I use?


all products containing that word together with their prices in a listbox. That's all. What type of collection is best for..