c# Programming Glossary: printable
C#: Class for decoding Quoted-Printable encoding? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2226554/c-class-for-decoding-quoted-printable-encoding value 61 is represented by 3D . All characters except printable ASCII characters or end of line characters must be encoded in.. of line characters must be encoded in this fashion. All printable ASCII characters decimal values between 33 and 126 may be represented.. then they must be encoded as 0D and 0A. Lines of quoted printable encoded data must not be longer than 76 characters. To satisfy..
System.Net.Mail and =?utf-8?B?XXXXX… Headers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/454833/system-net-mail-and-utf-8bxxxxx-headers Base64 encoding is more efficient shorter than the quoted printable encoding. This makes sense when your subject contains relatively..
How to find the actual printable area? (PrintDocument) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8761633/how-to-find-the-actual-printable-area-printdocument to find the actual printable area PrintDocument Why is finding out this magic Rectangle.. draw using the Graphics within the bounds of the maximum printable area. I have tried using PageBounds PrintableArea Graphics.VisibleClipBounds.. it is a Landscape. I need an algorithm to calculate the printable area as it relates to the current Graphics context not an arbitrary..