

c# Programming Glossary: presentationparameters

Transparent window layer that is click-through and always stays on top


0x80000 0x20 Create device presentation parameters PresentationParameters p new PresentationParameters p.IsFullScreen false p.DeviceWindowHandle.. presentation parameters PresentationParameters p new PresentationParameters p.IsFullScreen false p.DeviceWindowHandle this.Handle p.BackBufferFormat..

Drawing image with additive blending


this if you write the following code in your form class PresentationParameters pp new PresentationParameters Replace PN_Canvas with the control.. code in your form class PresentationParameters pp new PresentationParameters Replace PN_Canvas with the control to be drawn on pp.BackBufferHeight..

Converting .dds to .png: is XNA really this convoluted?


GraphicsProfile.HiDef uh oh what is this PresentationParameters thing well OK I'll just try new PresentationParameters . Well.. PresentationParameters thing well OK I'll just try new PresentationParameters . Well that threw an exception. They want... a DeviceWindowHandle.. an exception. They want... a DeviceWindowHandle in my PresentationParameters BUT I'M RUNNING A CONSOLE APP So I'm really hoping there's a..

How to resize and save a Texture2D in XNA?


DeviceType.Hardware GetConsoleWindow new PresentationParameters SpriteBatch batch new SpriteBatch graphicsDevice Texture2D sourceImage..