

c# Programming Glossary: presumably

Calling C# from C++, Reverse P/Invoke, Mixed Mode DLLs and C++/CLI


library project. Use this to call the managed c# class presumably via a reference . Call the c cli code from native c . Questions..

Linq “Could not translate expression… into SQL and could not treat it as a local expression.”


is some method that takes the two and merges them presumably re used from your other property code. With LINQ to SQL another..

Display progress bar while doing some work in C#?


ShowProgressFormWhileBackgroundWorkerRuns this is your presumably long running method Action string string exec DoSomethingLongAndNotReturnAnyNotification..

Why can reflection access protected/private member of class in C#?


checks in the way which you aren't seeing because you are presumably running at full trust so you are already stronger than the system..

Get a list of members of a WinNT group


a member so that I don't add the same account twice and presumably get an exception. So far I started using the DirectoryEntry..

Anonymous method in Invoke call


Differences in development between .NET and Mono


Mono not provide that Visual Studio does MonoDevelop is presumably what you mean here. MonoDevelop offers cross platform development..

Can a unit test project load the target application's app.config file?


output .config files from your project's build directory presumably bin Debug . Anything listed in the deployment section will be..

Why do I need a memory barrier?


interleave. But the author was ignoring this scenario presumably to make his point regarding how Thread.MemoryBarrier works simpler...

How to determine whether a DLL is a managed assembly or native (prevent loading a native dll)?


Assembly.IsManaged API call that I've overlooked.... presumably no such API exists c# plugins dll assemblies native share..

WCF HttpTransport: streamed vs buffered TransferMode


though there would be enough mem if cleaned up . 4 will presumably be given back to the BufferManager in your BinaryMessageEncodingBindingElement.ReadMessage..

Deep copy of List<T>


and write a Clone method that does the deep copy and then presumably a Enumerable.CloneRange method that can clone part of your list..

How can I convert from a SID to an account name in C#


However this does not work for files on a network presumably because the Translate function only works with local user accounts...

Where to store Application Data in Windows 7 and Vista


this is fine but on others access to the folder fails presumably because of permissions but when ran with Administrator privelidges..

Read Post Data submitted to ASP.Net Form


to do in the C# code behind page of the asp.net login form presumably in the Page_Load event is to check if the request for the page..

Copy object to object (with Automapper ?)


the instance that person1 points to these will not get the presumably desired data update if you redirect the person1 variable to..

Why are public fields faster than properties?


access is a method call but that I don't know why the presumably in lined method is slower than a direct field access. EDIT 2..

.NET - Convert Generic Collection to DataTable


datatable nullable share improve this question Then presumably you'll need to lift them to the non nullable form using Nullable.GetUnderlyingType..

Why is Multiple Inheritance not allowed in Java or C#?


this would mean for languages that don't want this concept presumably VB.NET for example . Of course that's the business we are in..

Most elegant way to get all subsets of an array in c#


a binary counter where array indices represent bits. This presumably lets me use some bitwise operation to count but i can't see..

Hashing a string with Sha256


bytes Hi . You'll have to decide which you want to do. Presumably you want to do whichever one your friend's PHP code is doing...

Overhead of a .NET array?


array is the same regardless of the actual element type. Presumably there's some funkiness in object.GetType which is non virtual..

Using lock statement within a loop in C#


I have no idea. This is a terrible situation to be in. Presumably the worker is not shutting down quickly because doing so is..

Will Multi threading increase the speed of the calculation on Single Processor


question In general terms no it won't speed up anything. Presumably the same work overall is being done but now there is the overhead..

How do I set Network Management settings or make the dialog appear in C# on Windows Mobile?


make the Network Management screen appear immediately Presumably if my code can't see the webservice URL it could trigger the..

What's so bad about building XML with string concatenation?


i.e. StringBuilder is this anything to be concerned about Presumably a class like XmlWriter will also need to do a bit of string..

add values to enum


things though so I thought it might be possible some way. Presumably it could be hacked up via reflection not that you'd every actually..

What are best practices for using SmtpClient, SendAsync and Dispose under .NET 4.0


is disposable especially if I make calls using SendAsync. Presumably I should not call Dispose until SendAsync completes. But should..

Can't get ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript in WebControl nested in UpdatePanel to work


other questions are What is your script actually doing Presumably you can see the script in the HTML at the bottom of the page..

Lambda Expression using Foreach Clause [duplicate]


You have to first convert your results ToList or ToArray Presumably theres a technical limitation to the way C# iterates IEnumerables..

Why is LINQ .Where(predicate).First() faster than .First(predicate)?


for different collection types arrays lists etc. . Presumably this is what gives Where the small advantage. share improve..