c# Programming Glossary: preserve
C#: Overriding return types http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1048884/c-overriding-return-types as remarked in the comments my first solution did not preserve the inheritance . It's necessary to mark explicitly the classes..
C# keep session id over httpwebrequest http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1453560/c-sharp-keep-session-id-over-httpwebrequest keep session id over httpwebrequest I need to preserve the same session id when navigating over a site's pages using..
Easiest way to split a string on newlines in .net? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1547476/easiest-way-to-split-a-string-on-newlines-in-net This will correctly split on either type of line break and preserve empty lines and spacing in the text string lines theText.Split..
Converting Unicode strings to escaped ascii string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1615559/converting-unicode-strings-to-escaped-ascii-string available in C# converts the character into . I need to preserve that character. c# unicode encoding share improve this question..
Should I learn VB.NET or C#? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1653895/should-i-learn-vb-net-or-c the .NET framework considerably. In particular attempts to preserve compatibility to VB6 have contributed a few odd quirks to the..
Using lock statement within a loop in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2113261/using-lock-statement-within-a-loop-in-c-sharp the best thing to do is to make a good faith effort to preserve the user's data tidy up as much state as possible and terminate..
Throwing Exceptions best practices http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22623/throwing-exceptions-best-practices the Exception object's InnerException and stack trace are preserved. Is there a difference between the following code blocks in.. handling share improve this question The way to preserve the stack trace is through the use of the throw This is valid..
In Protobuf-net how can I pass an array of type object with objects of different types inside, knowing the set of potential types in advance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2678249/in-protobuf-net-how-can-i-pass-an-array-of-type-object-with-objects-of-different to put each item which is not desirable and I still can't preserve the ordering as I just extract all the items on each list one..
difference between throw and throw new Exception() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2999298/difference-between-throw-and-throw-new-exception this question throw rethrows the original exception and preserves its original stack trace. throw ex throws the original exception.. parameter . By passing the original InnerException you preserve all of the original exception's properties including the stack..
Redim Preserve in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/327916/redim-preserve-in-c how then does a vb.net developer used to using redim preserve deal with this in C# at the beginning of the function I am not..
Question about C# covariance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4034495/question-about-c-sharp-covariance
How to save Bitmap as icon? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4042488/how-to-save-bitmap-as-icon to write icons with custom width and height that would preserve colors from the original image. Is this possible to achive in..
c# covariant return types utilizing generics http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4348760/c-sharp-covariant-return-types-utilizing-generics did. Recall that a covariant mapping is a mapping which preserves the existence and direction of some other relation . For example.. a type T to a type IEnumerable T is covariant because it preserves the assignment compatibility relation. If Tiger is assignment.. with Animal then the transformation under the map is also preserved IEnumerable Tiger is assignment compatible with IEnumerable..
Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute - why? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4536090/collection-was-modified-enumeration-operation-may-not-execute-why types of collections can sustain modification and still preserve an enumerator state. Consider a linked list if you remove a..
How to rethrow the inner exception of a TargetInvocationException without losing the stack trace http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4555599/how-to-rethrow-the-inner-exception-of-a-targetinvocationexception-without-losing what it actually does . However this doesn't appear to preserve the trace either public static void PreserveStackTrace this..
How to resize an animated gif image using C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/539034/how-to-resize-an-animated-gif-image-using-c hours to accomplish this but the resulting image does not preserve the original animations. c# image gif animated gif share..
Generate distinct random numbers in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5561742/generate-distinct-random-numbers-in-c-sharp int to speed up the ckeck. As the ´HashSet´ doesn't preserve the order of the items you still need the List though Random..
Can gzip compression be selectively disabled in ASP.NET/IIS 7? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5656332/can-gzip-compression-be-selectively-disabled-in-asp-net-iis-7 this disables compression site wide. I would like to preserve compression for every other controller and or action except..
Why is WinRT unmanaged? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7457371/why-is-winrt-unmanaged comment in a now deleted answer. I'll quote it here to preserve it WinRT is unmanaged because the OS is unmanaged. And by designing..
Can't convert value type array to params object[] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9104268/cant-convert-value-type-array-to-params-object by covariance . Covariance is the property that a mapping preserves a relationship . The mapping here is T goes to array of T ... the truth of the second statement that is if the mapping preserves the truth of the relationship then the mapping is said to be.. the boxing In general in C# covariant conversions always preserve representation . The representation of a reference to Animal..