

c# Programming Glossary: prev

Generating permutations of a set (most efficiently)


the last lexicographic permutation. done false Save the previous bigger element in a variable for more efficiency. var prev.. bigger element in a variable for more efficiency. var prev elements i 1 Have a variable to hold the index of the element.. variable to hold the index of the element to swap with the previous element the to swap element would be the smallest element..

Cannot find the memory leak


e pageNum PAGE_COUNT pageNum 1 PAGE_COUNT cycle to prev image RefreshImage private void btnNext_Click object sender.. this question I have the same kind of app with the next previous picture buttons. And I had exactly the same memory leak..

Subset sum problem


memo private static Dictionary int KeyValuePair int int prev static SubsetSum memo new Dictionary int bool prev new Dictionary.. int prev static SubsetSum memo new Dictionary int bool prev new Dictionary int KeyValuePair int int public static bool.. static bool Find List int inputArray int sum memo.Clear prev.Clear memo 0 true prev 0 new KeyValuePair int int 1 0 for int..

How to Zip one IEnumerable with itself


Func TSequence TSequence TResult resultSelector TSequence prev default TSequence using IEnumerator TSequence e seq.GetEnumerator.. IEnumerator TSequence e seq.GetEnumerator if e.MoveNext prev e.Current while e.MoveNext yield return resultSelector prev.. e.Current while e.MoveNext yield return resultSelector prev prev e.Current While certainly more complicated than my initial..

how to make a wizard with ASP.Net MVC


step gets its own div. All steps are in the same form. The previous next buttons would essentially hide show the div in each.. yes both of them . You can tweak it to hide the next previous buttons via CSS and unhide them in your javascript code... without javascript will see the entire form without next prev buttons . The other option is to create a view for each step..

Using Process.Start() to start a process as a different user from within a Windows Service


htok bool disall ref TokPriv1Luid newst int len IntPtr prev IntPtr relen DllImport advapi32.dll SetLastError true internal..

Turning async socket Parallel and not only Concurrent in very intensive application using TPL


Task.Factory.StartNew socketListeningSet T1.ContinueWith prev while running evtConnectionDone.Reset Task Socket accepetChunk..