

c# Programming Glossary: print

How to use localization in C#


Run this code Console.WriteLine strings.Hello It should print Hello . Now add a new resource file named strings.fr.resx note.. Value Salut . Now if you run the following code it should print Salut Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo.. for fr which it finds and uses . The following code will print Hello Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo..

Parse JSON in C#


that'll take in JSON from the Google AJAX Search API and print it out to the screen EDIT ALL FIXED All results are working.. help me with returning what I require the results ready to print out to the screen Edit Json.NET works using the same JSON and..

Named string formatting in C#


something like this example shamelessly stolen from here print ' language s has # 03d quote types.' 'language' Python # 2 Python..

Understanding Garbage Collection in .net


line is not commented out at the Console.WriteLine call it prints 1 GC.Collect GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers Console.WriteLine.. GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers Console.WriteLine Class1.c prints 0 Console.Read Now I would like to know that even though the.. to null makes no difference at all. It will always print 1 . It now works the way you hope and expected it would work...

What is the proper way to re-throw an exception in C#? [duplicate]


exception else you'll stomp the stack trace. throw If you print the trace resulting from throw ex you'll see that it ends on..

Print existing PDF (or other files) in C#


files in C# From an application I'm building I need to print existing PDFs created by another app . How can I do this in.. and provide a mechanism so the user can select a different printer or other properties. I've looked at the PrintDialog but not.. the PrintDialog but not sure what file it is attempting to print if any b c the output is always a blank page. Maybe I'm just..

How can I stream webcam video with C#?


a project using it the best book on the subject was out of print and going for around 350 for a used copy Here is the book Programming..

Can't operator == be applied to generic types in C#?


look no further. For example the code below will always print true even when Test.test B new B new B is called class A public..

LINQ to read XML


someone give me a C# code using LINQ the simplest way to print this result Note the extra space if it is a level2 node A A1..

How to associate a file extension to the current executable in C#


EMEDITOR.EXE 1 HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT emeditor.txt shell print HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT emeditor.txt shell print command @ C Program.. shell print HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT emeditor.txt shell print command @ C Program Files EmEditor EMEDITOR.EXE p 1 share..

Why is floating point arithmetic in C# imprecise?


arithmetic in C# imprecise Why does the following program print what it prints class Program static void Main string args float.. C# imprecise Why does the following program print what it prints class Program static void Main string args float f1 0.09f..

How to recursively list all the files in a directory in C#?


as opposed to searching the files and comparing names just print out the names. It can be modified like so static void DirSearch..

Type Checking: typeof, GetType, or is?


class Animal class Dog Animal void PrintTypes Animal a print a.GetType typeof Animal false print a is Animal true print.. PrintTypes Animal a print a.GetType typeof Animal false print a is Animal true print a.GetType typeof Dog true Dog spot new.. a.GetType typeof Animal false print a is Animal true print a.GetType typeof Dog true Dog spot new Dog PrintTypes spot What..

Format XML String to Print Friendly XML String


XML String to Print Friendly XML String I have an XML string as such xml version.. this question Use XmlTextWriter... public static String PrintXML String XML String Result MemoryStream mStream new MemoryStream..

How to execute a stored procedure within C# program


@command as varchar 1000 @i int SET @i 0 WHILE @i 5 BEGIN Print 'I VALUE ' CONVERT varchar 20 @i EXEC @command SET @i @i 1 END..

Printing to a specific printer from a web app


to a specific printer from a web app If I have a printer.. changing MSDN docs for the WebBrowser class which has the Print method. From the print method remarks You can use this method.. method remarks You can use this method to implement a Print button similar to the one in Internet Explorer. This method..

What exactly is an “open generic type” in .NET? [duplicate]


int static void Test T Console.WriteLine typeof List T Print out the type name If you run this snippet it'll print out System.Collections.Generic.List`1..

How do I split a string by strings and include the delimiters using .NET?


Milliseconds milliseconds Output output public void Print Console.WriteLine S SrcID tD DelimID tF FuncID t Milliseconds.. delimID sw.ElapsedMilliseconds list results.Add res res.Print As you can see it was really just a quick and dirty test..

Print existing PDF (or other files) in C#


existing PDF or other files in C# From an application I'm building.. different printer or other properties. I've looked at the PrintDialog but not sure what file it is attempting to print if any.. has its Items set to the string collection returned by PrinterSettings.InstalledPrinters . If you can make it a requirement..

How to run the stored procedure that has OUTPUT parameter from C#?


parm2 cn.Open cmd.ExecuteNonQuery cn.Close Print the output value Console.WriteLine cmd.Parameters @ProductName..

Print html document from Windows Service in C# without print dialog


html document from Windows Service in C# without print dialog.. TaskScheduler Sta new StaTaskScheduler 1 public void PrintHtml string htmlPath Task.Factory.StartNew PrintOnStaThread.. void PrintHtml string htmlPath Task.Factory.StartNew PrintOnStaThread htmlPath CancellationToken.None TaskCreationOptions.None..

Print html document from Windows Service without print dialog


html document from Windows Service without print dialog I am.. using System.Threading using SHDocVw namespace HTMLPrinting public class HTMLPrinter private bool documentLoaded private.. using SHDocVw namespace HTMLPrinting public class HTMLPrinter private bool documentLoaded private bool documentPrinted private..

C# Iterating through an enum? (Indexing a System.Array)


within myEnum Array values Enum.GetValues typeof myEnum Print the names and values to file for int i 0 i names.Length i print..

Access a Remote Directory from C#


type. summary public enum ResourceType Any 0 Disk 1 Print 2 Reserved 8 summary The resource displaytype. summary public..

Print Pdf in C#


Pdf in C# I'm new to c#. I was looking all over the net for..

When is it better to store flags as a bitmask rather than using an associative table?


to use different features e.g. Read Create Download Print Approve etc. . The list of permissions isn ™t expected to change.. Flags enum Permissions Read 1 Create 2 Download 4 Print 8 Approve 16 c# sql server database design bitmask share..

C# Switch on Object Type at Runtime


true 666 foreach object o in stuff dynamic d o Print d private static void Print DateTime d Console.WriteLine I'm.. o in stuff dynamic d o Print d private static void Print DateTime d Console.WriteLine I'm a date replace with your actual.. with your actual implementation private static void Print bool b Console.WriteLine I'm a bool private static void Print..

Background color of a ListBox item (winforms)


g.FillRectangle new SolidBrush Color.Silver e.Bounds Print text e.DrawFocusRectangle Second option would be using a ListView..

C# - Capturing the Mouse cursor image


KB cs DesktopCaptureWithMouse.aspx display Print Note that the code captures the the mouse cursor also which..

Capture Stored Procedure print output in .NET


from following PROC The PROC CREATE PROC usp_PrintWord AS PRINT 'word' Some C# Code to would like to pull out 'word' SqlCommand..

Best way to print from c# / .net?


when my object x is sent the print command it raises the PRINT PAGE event which is designed to print 1 page at a time . This..

Reading from the serial port in C#


that will come from the scale when the user presses PRINT on it. Someone answered here with the idea I liked waiting for..

How Can i display the output of SQL “PRINT” Command in C#?


Can i display the output of SQL &ldquo PRINT&rdquo Command in C# i am having a SQL Procedure that always.. in C# i am having a SQL Procedure that always returns PRINT Command and i want to extract the output of this PRINT Command.. PRINT Command and i want to extract the output of this PRINT Command i.e the procedure in C# how can i do that here is the..