android Programming Glossary: syncs
How to programmatically get the devices IMEI/ESN in Android to programmatically get the devices IMEI ESN in Android I'm developing a little program which syncs some of the users data from my app on the cloud just a load of strings but that's not the point . To help identify each..
Android SQL Lite fail to grow SQL Lite fail to grow We are creating an app that syncs 5000 calendar entries with the server. The issue is that after adding 1913 entries it failing and giving the following stack..
Why does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync? a ContentProvider it behooves you to figure out how to get this working Otherwise you'll end up always performing two syncs when only one is needed. 8. Feel happy Once you have all this xml metadata in place and sync enabled Android will know how..
how to edit the calendar events via android application Calendar application and launch it you should see your calendar entry in the appropriate Calendar. Since the Calendar syncs you will also see the Calendar entry online if you're using the Google Calendar on the web. Adding a Recurring Event to..
Connecting to an OracleDB via an Android app the local data on SQLite. When the user's activity is finished the device will be reconnected to the LAN and the app syncs the edited SQLite local data with the main Oracle DB server. SQLite local App when connected sync OracleDB android oracle..
How to display a Dialog from a Service a an application that after logging in starts a background Service implementation of the Service class . This service syncs itself with a Server and if a new order comes it creates a notification. So far everything works great I have the notification..