android Programming Glossary: sync
Android - SMS Broadcast receiver 11 07 21 24 41 SMSBroadcastReceiver The launch will only sync the application package on the device So I'm wondering if something's..
Android and XMPP: Currently available solutions fork contains at the moment some additional patches is in sync with upstream smack development and works very well for me...
Why does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync? does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync I am trying to implement the Content Provider Sync Adapter.. Google IO slide 26. My content provider is working and my sync works when I trigger it from the Dev Tools Sync Tester application.. account authority bundle from my ContentProvider my sync is never triggered. ContentResolver.requestSync account AUTHORITY..
Sync data between Android App and webserver data between Android App and webserver I have developed a application.. way for send data between cellphone device and server If SyncAdapter and ContentProvider can solve my problems please explain.. How can I sync data between a webserver and an android app Syncing data between your webserver and an android app requires a..
How to build an android library with Android Studio and gradle? ' SubProjects MyLib' Update 5 As of 0.1.3 there is now a Sync Project button in the toolbar. You can click that instead of..
Service and a BroadCastReceiver @Override protected void onResume super.onResume Register Sync Recievers IntentFilter intentToReceiveFilter new IntentFilter..
SecurityException: caller uid XXXX is different than the authenticator's uid the above exception when trying to implement Sample Sync Adapter application. I have seen numerous posts related to this.. is part of this example and not under android.provider.SyncStateContract package. Because both classes use the same attribute..
Sync Adapter without Account Adapter without Account I need to fetch some data over the.. t 43m58s It recommends in the final slides to use a SyncAdapter to integrate with the Android System. Later I learned.. I learned that one has to use an Account to implement SyncAdapter. My app does not use an account. Users can freely download..
Why does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync? does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync I am trying to implement the Content Provider.. a sync I am trying to implement the Content Provider Sync Adapter pattern as discussed at Google IO slide 26. My content.. and my sync works when I trigger it from the Dev Tools Sync Tester application however when I call ContentResolver.requestSync..
How to know when sync is finished? syncObserverHandle syncObserverHandle null private SyncStatusObserver syncStatusObserver new SyncStatusObserver @Override.. null private SyncStatusObserver syncStatusObserver new SyncStatusObserver @Override public void onStatusChanged int which.. am.getAccountsByType Const.ACCOUNT_TYPE 0 Log.d Const.TAG Sync status changed which if ContentResolver.isSyncActive a DataProvider.AUTHORITY..
Get Android Device Name name I am using HTC desire. When I connected it via HTC Sync the software is displaying the Name 'HTC Smith' . I would like..
Android - SMS Broadcast receiver 21 24 41 SMSBroadcastReceiver No Launcher activity found 2010 11 07 21 24 41 SMSBroadcastReceiver The launch will only sync the application package on the device So I'm wondering if something's wrong here. android sms android intent broadcastreceiver..
Android and XMPP: Currently available solutions use asmack with my own fork of smack for my project. The fork contains at the moment some additional patches is in sync with upstream smack development and works very well for me. I have tested so far Sending and receiving files via IBB via..
Why does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync? does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync I am trying to implement the Content Provider Sync Adapter pattern as discussed at Google IO slide 26. My content provider.. the Content Provider Sync Adapter pattern as discussed at Google IO slide 26. My content provider is working and my sync works when I trigger it from the Dev Tools Sync Tester application however when I call ContentResolver.requestSync account.. Tester application however when I call ContentResolver.requestSync account authority bundle from my ContentProvider my sync is never triggered. ContentResolver.requestSync account AUTHORITY new Bundle Edit added manifest snippet My manifest xml..
Sync data between Android App and webserver data between Android App and webserver I have developed a application in android that I wanna sync data such as db record.. What algorithms do you suggest me Except JSON Are there any way for send data between cellphone device and server If SyncAdapter and ContentProvider can solve my problems please explain exactly for me. If you could offer some samples or tutorials.. answer all your questions by addressing the larger question How can I sync data between a webserver and an android app Syncing data between your webserver and an android app requires a couple of different components on your android device. Persistent..
How to build an android library with Android Studio and gradle? compile support v4 13.0.0 compile project ' SubProjects MyLib' Update 5 As of 0.1.3 there is now a Sync Project button in the toolbar. You can click that instead of reimporting your project after making changes to .gradle files...
Service and a BroadCastReceiver if mAction.equals INCOMING_CALL_ACTION Do your thing @Override protected void onResume super.onResume Register Sync Recievers IntentFilter intentToReceiveFilter new IntentFilter intentToReceiveFilter.addAction INCOMING_CALL_ACTION this.registerReceiver..
SecurityException: caller uid XXXX is different than the authenticator's uid the authenticator's uid This is for the record only. I received the above exception when trying to implement Sample Sync Adapter application. I have seen numerous posts related to this issue but no satisfactory response. So I will jot down my.. app for testing then make sure you use Constants class that is part of this example and not under android.provider.SyncStateContract package. Because both classes use the same attribute name ACCOUNT_TYPE that is used when creating Account object...
Sync Adapter without Account Adapter without Account I need to fetch some data over the cloud from my app. I've watched the google IO video on RESTful.. on RESTful android apps @ http watch v xHXn3Kg2IQE t 43m58s It recommends in the final slides to use a SyncAdapter to integrate with the Android System. Later I learned that one has to use an Account to implement SyncAdapter. My.. to use a SyncAdapter to integrate with the Android System. Later I learned that one has to use an Account to implement SyncAdapter. My app does not use an account. Users can freely download data without registration. Can I still use SyncAdapter..
Why does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync? does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync I am trying to implement the Content Provider Sync Adapter pattern as discussed at Google IO slide 26... does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync I am trying to implement the Content Provider Sync Adapter pattern as discussed at Google IO slide 26. My content provider is working and my sync works when I trigger it from.. discussed at Google IO slide 26. My content provider is working and my sync works when I trigger it from the Dev Tools Sync Tester application however when I call ContentResolver.requestSync account authority bundle from my ContentProvider my sync..
How to know when sync is finished? syncObserverHandle null ContentResolver.removeStatusChangeListener syncObserverHandle syncObserverHandle null private SyncStatusObserver syncStatusObserver new SyncStatusObserver @Override public void onStatusChanged int which AccountManager am.. syncObserverHandle syncObserverHandle null private SyncStatusObserver syncStatusObserver new SyncStatusObserver @Override public void onStatusChanged int which AccountManager am AccountManager.get TodosActivity.this Account.. am AccountManager.get TodosActivity.this Account a am.getAccountsByType Const.ACCOUNT_TYPE 0 Log.d Const.TAG Sync status changed which if ContentResolver.isSyncActive a DataProvider.AUTHORITY ContentResolver.isSyncPending a DataProvider.AUTHORITY..
Get Android Device Name Android Device Name How to get android device name I am using HTC desire. When I connected it via HTC Sync the software is displaying the Name 'HTC Smith' . I would like to fetch this name via code. How is this possible in android..