android Programming Glossary: sw600dp
Fragment design: Adapting to multiple screen layouts by showing/hiding fragments within a single Activity? in folders like values xlarge land values port or values sw600dp etc and adjust the boolean value to true or false as I desire...
Designing an android tablet-only app build 2 different sets of layouts like this res layout sw600dp main_activity.xml # For 7 tablets 600dp wide and bigger res..
Folder name for 7" hdpi tablet Android hdpi 240 dpi classification . I have created folder layout sw600dp . But it's not working in this resolution tablet. Its working.. work well on pre 3.2 devices because they don't recognize sw600dp as a size qualifier so you still have to use the large qualifier.. res layout large main.xml which is identical to res layout sw600dp main.xml. In the next section you'll see a technique that allows..
Designing android apps for tablets be designed for tablets But I have added layouts to layout sw600dp layout sw600dp land layout sw720dp and layout sw720dp land folders... tablets But I have added layouts to layout sw600dp layout sw600dp land layout sw720dp and layout sw720dp land folders. The complete.. manifest like yours and had one or two xml files in layout sw600dp and layout sw600dp land and I couldn't see the cause of the..
Layout for tablets in Android For handsets smaller than 600dp available width res layout sw600dp main_activity.xml # For 7 tablets 600dp wide and bigger res..
Android : App support for multiple tablet screen resolutions For handsets smaller than 600dp available width res layout sw600dp main_activity.xml # For 7 tablets 600dp wide and bigger res..
How to declare the layout for 7'inch tablet Android? while coming to 7'inch i have declared layout as layout sw600dp land layout sw600dp port while coming to 7'inch tablet it's.. i have declared layout as layout sw600dp land layout sw600dp port while coming to 7'inch tablet it's not working for me The.. res layout main_activity.xml # For phones res layout sw600dp main_activity.xml # For 7 tablets res layout sw720dp main_activity.xml..
Determine if the device is a smartphone or tablet? set a boolean value in a specific value file as res values sw600dp resources bool name isTablet true bool resources Because the.. bool name isTablet true bool resources Because the sw600dp qualifier is only valid for platforms above android 3.2. If..
Android: allow portrait and landscape for tablets, but force portrait on phone? tablets to be able to display in portrait and landscape sw600dp or greater but phones to be restricted to portrait only. I can't..
Fragment design: Adapting to multiple screen layouts by showing/hiding fragments within a single Activity? bool resources I can then place additional config.xml files in folders like values xlarge land values port or values sw600dp etc and adjust the boolean value to true or false as I desire. Then in the code it is a matter of getResources .getBoolean..
Designing an android tablet-only app to enable large and xlarge screens. So I guess that I could build 2 different sets of layouts like this res layout sw600dp main_activity.xml # For 7 tablets 600dp wide and bigger res layout sw720dp main_activity.xml # For 10 tablets 720dp wide..
Folder name for 7" hdpi tablet Android tablet Android I have Tablet with 7 screen 600 1024 with hdpi 240 dpi classification . I have created folder layout sw600dp . But it's not working in this resolution tablet. Its working fine with 7 screen 600 1024 with mdpi 160 dpi classification.. building against like mentioned here ... However this won't work well on pre 3.2 devices because they don't recognize sw600dp as a size qualifier so you still have to use the large qualifier as well. So you should have a file named res layout large.. large qualifier as well. So you should have a file named res layout large main.xml which is identical to res layout sw600dp main.xml. In the next section you'll see a technique that allows you to avoid duplicating the layout files this way. You..
Designing android apps for tablets Play developer console it says Your APK does not seem to be designed for tablets But I have added layouts to layout sw600dp layout sw600dp land layout sw720dp and layout sw720dp land folders. The complete manifest as it is xml version 1.0 encoding.. console it says Your APK does not seem to be designed for tablets But I have added layouts to layout sw600dp layout sw600dp land layout sw720dp and layout sw720dp land folders. The complete manifest as it is xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 manifest.. initially I encountered that message. I had implemented the manifest like yours and had one or two xml files in layout sw600dp and layout sw600dp land and I couldn't see the cause of the problem. I uploaded a new apk with new screen shots no xml or..
Layout for tablets in Android asset folders like this res layout main_activity.xml # For handsets smaller than 600dp available width res layout sw600dp main_activity.xml # For 7 tablets 600dp wide and bigger res layout sw720dp main_activity.xml # For 10 tablets 720dp wide..
Android : App support for multiple tablet screen resolutions can create folders like this res layout main_activity.xml # For handsets smaller than 600dp available width res layout sw600dp main_activity.xml # For 7 tablets 600dp wide and bigger res layout sw720dp main_activity.xml # For 10 tablets 720dp wide..
How to declare the layout for 7'inch tablet Android? have declared layout as layout xlarge land layout xlarge port while coming to 7'inch i have declared layout as layout sw600dp land layout sw600dp port while coming to 7'inch tablet it's not working for me The Tablet which i am using is iRobot . any.. as layout xlarge land layout xlarge port while coming to 7'inch i have declared layout as layout sw600dp land layout sw600dp port while coming to 7'inch tablet it's not working for me The Tablet which i am using is iRobot . any one can help me plz..... example for 7 vs. 10 tablets you can also define smallest widths res layout main_activity.xml # For phones res layout sw600dp main_activity.xml # For 7 tablets res layout sw720dp main_activity.xml # For 10 tablets and just check out this for 7 vs...
Determine if the device is a smartphone or tablet? If you read the entire topic they explain how to set a boolean value in a specific value file as res values sw600dp resources bool name isTablet true bool resources Because the sw600dp qualifier is only valid for platforms above android.. value in a specific value file as res values sw600dp resources bool name isTablet true bool resources Because the sw600dp qualifier is only valid for platforms above android 3.2. If you want to make sure this technique works on all platforms..
Android: allow portrait and landscape for tablets, but force portrait on phone? for tablets but force portrait on phone I would like tablets to be able to display in portrait and landscape sw600dp or greater but phones to be restricted to portrait only. I can't find any way to conditionally choose an orientation. Any..