android Programming Glossary: sys
Why do I get access denied to data folder when using adb? shell ls ls sqlite_stmt_journals cache sdcard etc system sys sbin proc logo.rle init.trout.rc init.rc init.goldfish.rc.. shell ls ls sqlite_stmt_journals cache sdcard etc system sys sbin proc logo.rle init.trout.rc init.rc init.goldfish.rc init..
Android USB host and hidden devices sw ehci.1 usb2 2 1' 'usb' '' 189 133 I USB3G 92 path ' sys devices platform sw ehci.1 usb2 2 1' I USB3G 92 VID size 5 vid_path.. sw ehci.1 usb2 2 1' I USB3G 92 VID size 5 vid_path ' sys devices platform sw ehci.1 usb2 2 1 idVendor' VID '2226 I USB3G.. VID '2226 I USB3G 92 '. I USB3G 92 PID size 5 Pid_path ' sys devices platform sw ehci.1 usb2 2 1 idProduct' PID '0014 I USB3G..
Getting the battery current values for the Android Phone current through this SDK interface. One way I tried is via sysfs interface where I can view the battery current value from.. value from adb shell using the following command cat sys class power_supply battery batt_current 449 But that too works.. z Build.MODEL.toLowerCase .contains inspire f new File sys class power_supply battery batt_current if f.exists return..
How to get IP address of the device? return try this is so Linux hack return loadFileAsString sys class net interfaceName address .toUpperCase .trim catch IOException..
Why do I get access denied to data folder when using adb? device using the adb and the following commands C adb s HT829GZ52000 shell ls ls sqlite_stmt_journals cache sdcard etc system sys sbin proc logo.rle init.trout.rc init.rc init.goldfish.rc init default.prop data root dev cd data cd data ls ls opendir.. using the adb and the following commands C adb s HT829GZ52000 shell ls ls sqlite_stmt_journals cache sdcard etc system sys sbin proc logo.rle init.trout.rc init.rc init.goldfish.rc init default.prop data root dev cd data cd data ls ls opendir..
Android USB host and hidden devices 0014 log of eclipse I USB3G 92 event 'add' ' devices platform sw ehci.1 usb2 2 1' 'usb' '' 189 133 I USB3G 92 path ' sys devices platform sw ehci.1 usb2 2 1' I USB3G 92 VID size 5 vid_path ' sys devices platform sw ehci.1 usb2 2 1 idVendor'.. usb2 2 1' 'usb' '' 189 133 I USB3G 92 path ' sys devices platform sw ehci.1 usb2 2 1' I USB3G 92 VID size 5 vid_path ' sys devices platform sw ehci.1 usb2 2 1 idVendor' VID '2226 I USB3G 92 '. I USB3G 92 PID size 5 Pid_path ' sys devices platform.. vid_path ' sys devices platform sw ehci.1 usb2 2 1 idVendor' VID '2226 I USB3G 92 '. I USB3G 92 PID size 5 Pid_path ' sys devices platform sw ehci.1 usb2 2 1 idProduct' PID '0014 I USB3G 92 '. I USB3G 92 cmd system etc system..
Getting the battery current values for the Android Phone the problem is that Android does not expose the value of current through this SDK interface. One way I tried is via sysfs interface where I can view the battery current value from adb shell using the following command cat sys class power_supply.. tried is via sysfs interface where I can view the battery current value from adb shell using the following command cat sys class power_supply battery batt_current 449 But that too works only if the phone is connected via USB interface. If I disconnect.. .contains desire hd Build.MODEL.toLowerCase .contains desire z Build.MODEL.toLowerCase .contains inspire f new File sys class power_supply battery batt_current if f.exists return OneLineReader.getValue f false nexus one cyangoenmod f new..
How to get IP address of the device? buf.toString catch Exception ex for now eat exceptions return try this is so Linux hack return loadFileAsString sys class net interfaceName address .toUpperCase .trim catch IOException ex return null Get IP address from first non localhost..