android Programming Glossary: syncing
Android Activity ClassNotFoundException - tried everything making every dependency an android library project and syncing the android version that they require it did not help Found..
Use SyncAdapter to sync with *local* gmail and facebook app data would mean less battery usage less network usage faster syncing etc. Of course if needed I will set the correct permissions...
Android design : background long running service or AlarmManager? recreates it actually there should be 3 services so syncing between them could be messy . Start a thread in the service..
HTML in string resource? fgcolor #ffffffff Sync your Google contacts font nAfter syncing to your phone your contacts will be available to you wherever..
Appcelerator Vs. MonoTouch - Which one is best for a .NET developer? [closed] develop are line of business applications with data entry syncing with back office etc. Can anyone give their opinion on the pro's..
Sync Adapter without Account under Settings Accounts Sync. You can see that they allow syncing but don't have a remove account button. On the other hand Google.. On the other hand Google Facebook and Skype apps allow syncing PLUS they have a remove account button. This means Weather and..
Why does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync? 1. Notify Android that your application packages provides syncing First off in AndroidManifest.xml you have to declare that you.. strings have to all match and match with what you're syncing This should be a string you define if you're creating your own.. or you should use some existing device strings if you're syncing known data types like contacts or calendar events or what have..
Creating an Android JUnit Test project in Eclipse worked for me. EDIT If you upload to SVN in Eclipse by syncing the MyAndroidApp project not the MyAndroidAppTest project you..
Connecting to an OracleDB via an Android app Oracle actually has a product specifically designed for syncing the Oracle Database with mobile devices. It's called mobile..
Android Activity ClassNotFoundException - tried everything to the manifest makes no difference. I've tried making every dependency an android library project and syncing the android version that they require it did not help Found the solution see below . To everyone that posted an answer comment..
Use SyncAdapter to sync with *local* gmail and facebook app data instead their remote servers. Syncing with the local apps would mean less battery usage less network usage faster syncing etc. Of course if needed I will set the correct permissions. My questions If any of the apps gmail facebook are available..
Android design : background long running service or AlarmManager? and hope that it is not killed by android and take care if android recreates it actually there should be 3 services so syncing between them could be messy . Start a thread in the service no need for Executors I guess and have it Thread.sleep REGULAR_INTERVAL..
HTML in string resource? application strings.xml string name contactsSyncPlug font fgcolor #ffffffff Sync your Google contacts font nAfter syncing to your phone your contacts will be available to you wherever you go. string Unfortunately when I try something similar..
Appcelerator Vs. MonoTouch - Which one is best for a .NET developer? [closed] too which is overtaking the iPhone . The apps I'm looking to develop are line of business applications with data entry syncing with back office etc. Can anyone give their opinion on the pro's con's of using these tools or any experiences. I'm very..
Sync Adapter without Account problem Edit2 I've just looked at the Weather and Stock apps under Settings Accounts Sync. You can see that they allow syncing but don't have a remove account button. On the other hand Google Facebook and Skype apps allow syncing PLUS they have a.. that they allow syncing but don't have a remove account button. On the other hand Google Facebook and Skype apps allow syncing PLUS they have a remove account button. This means Weather and Stock don't use accounts whereas Google Facebook and Skype..
Why does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync? kind of account. It does this in the AndroidManifest. 1. Notify Android that your application packages provides syncing First off in AndroidManifest.xml you have to declare that you have a Sync Service service android name .sync.mySyncService.. using a style account. All your contentAuthority strings have to all match and match with what you're syncing This should be a string you define if you're creating your own database or you should use some existing device strings if.. be a string you define if you're creating your own database or you should use some existing device strings if you're syncing known data types like contacts or calendar events or what have you. The above happens to be the ContentAuthority..
Creating an Android JUnit Test project in Eclipse the package explorer. Clean the MyAndroidAppTest project. This worked for me. EDIT If you upload to SVN in Eclipse by syncing the MyAndroidApp project not the MyAndroidAppTest project you need to do a little more I've just done it now . So when you..
Connecting to an OracleDB via an Android app OracleDB android oracle jdbc share improve this question Oracle actually has a product specifically designed for syncing the Oracle Database with mobile devices. It's called mobile server. However the usage model is slightly different from what..