android Programming Glossary: switching
How many Activities vs Fragments? the 1 Activity model in both cases using the same logic of switching Fragments in and out just using a different layout This way..
Google maps api v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps very nice but it works . Now I was able to see the button switching between normal to pressed states on the screen. There is still..
Spinner does not wrap text — is this an Android bug? And all moves with overriding default styles just move to switching spinner mode to dialog mode which succesfully wraps multiline..
Android: What is better - multiple activities or switching views manually? What is better multiple activities or switching views manually I have developed some apps for Android and this.. more optimized but more complex to implement way with switching manually Views and then manually doing the Back button functionality.. I just don't think Android is designed for constantly switching its own views you miss out on so much. You have to implement..
Changing Locale within the app itself I used this question as a starting point for my own locale switching code and found out that the method is not exactly correct. It..
Horizontal “tab”ish scroll between views can touch drag left right and will see previous next views switching to it if there's enough velocity. This interaction is exactly..
Android - Switch Tabs from within an Activity within a tab with this problem I've been able to find a solution to switching tabs when using activity based tabs. In the parent activity..
Programmatically switching off Android phone switching off Android phone Can we switch off an Android phone programmatically..
android:orientation=“vertical” does not work for TabWidget tabs must be one under another like in a column . But when switching to landscape mode all tabs get aligned in a row it looks quite..
Handle screen orientation changes when there are AsyncTasks running change. Also in the 2.3 emulator it works when switching to landscape but switching back to portrait fails. Now the reason.. the 2.3 emulator it works when switching to landscape but switching back to portrait fails. Now the reason why I use configChanges..
Sqlite issues with HTC Desire HD think it is at least worth a shot. You might also consider switching from packaging the binary database to packaging the SQL statements..
Extending RelativeLayout, and overriding dispatchDraw() to create a zoomable ViewGroup example imagine my child view is a ball that animates by switching between yellow and red. If I zoom in a little bit such that..
Moving to Android from J2ME bit confusing sometimes . The things I had to change when switching from j2me to android were 1 The font and graphics class is easier..
Get focused View from ViewPager focused View from ViewPager i use the ViewPager for switching views with left right swipe. The ViewPager needs an Adapter..
Android Camera will not work. startPreview fails were round the wrong way but its not just a case of switching them around as I think the orientation also plays a part. Anyway..
ActionBarSherlock + Maps + Loaders = java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError the pre 3.0 classloader to reject your class outright. Switching your imports to the support library variants should be all that's..
Switching fragments within tab fragments within tab I'm creating an app that uses ActionBarSherlock...
Change and apply theme at runtime in Android [duplicate] where I allow users to switch between themes at runtime. Switching a theme is easy but the theme isn't applied until the activity..
Duplicate ID, tag null, or parent id with another fragment for to switch back to the map fragment tab I get this error. Switching to and between other tabs works just fine. What could be wrong..
Switching to landscape mode in Android Emulator to landscape mode in Android Emulator This is probably a pretty..
Switching application-wide theme programmatically? application wide theme programmatically I'm attempting to get..
Switching between network and GPS provider between network and GPS provider I want to implement a locationListener..
Switching between gps and network provider according to the availability between gps and network provider according to the availability..
Switching between activities in android? between activities in android In my android application I have..
How many Activities vs Fragments? Phone Activities . Would it not be easier to retain the 1 Activity model in both cases using the same logic of switching Fragments in and out just using a different layout This way most of the logic resides in the Fragments themselves and there..
Google maps api v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps state and the other one in a pressed state. This is not very nice but it works . Now I was able to see the button switching between normal to pressed states on the screen. There is still one last glitch if you click the button too fast it doesn't..
Spinner does not wrap text — is this an Android bug? In holo theme spinner by default uses dropdown mode. And all moves with overriding default styles just move to switching spinner mode to dialog mode which succesfully wraps multiline text as in api 11. Instead you can create spinner with new..
Android: What is better - multiple activities or switching views manually? What is better multiple activities or switching views manually I have developed some apps for Android and this questions stays always How should I structure my UI Should.. and leave the phone to make the back button or should I choose more optimized but more complex to implement way with switching manually Views and then manually doing the Back button functionality What do you think or know is the better practice android.. say that multiple Activities almost always makes more sense. I just don't think Android is designed for constantly switching its own views you miss out on so much. You have to implement Back yourself you don't get any inter Activity transitions..
Changing Locale within the app itself to this one. That's why I wanted to clarify the issue here. I used this question as a starting point for my own locale switching code and found out that the method is not exactly correct. It works but only until any configuration change e.g. screen..
Horizontal “tab”ish scroll between views item so only one item is ever shown at a time. The user can touch drag left right and will see previous next views switching to it if there's enough velocity. This interaction is exactly like what the new weather news widget that comes with the..
Android - Switch Tabs from within an Activity within a tab share improve this question After a long time of battling with this problem I've been able to find a solution to switching tabs when using activity based tabs. In the parent activity class where the tabhost is created I implemented a method like..
Programmatically switching off Android phone switching off Android phone Can we switch off an Android phone programmatically Second question how to lock and unlock the screen..
android:orientation=“vertical” does not work for TabWidget TabWidget at the right side of the screen and of cource all tabs must be one under another like in a column . But when switching to landscape mode all tabs get aligned in a row it looks quite ugly. How to fix that xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 TabHost..
Handle screen orientation changes when there are AsyncTasks running about how to properly handle a restart due to a configuration change. Also in the 2.3 emulator it works when switching to landscape but switching back to portrait fails. Now the reason why I use configChanges is because when the user switches.. handle a restart due to a configuration change. Also in the 2.3 emulator it works when switching to landscape but switching back to portrait fails. Now the reason why I use configChanges is because when the user switches orientation I might have..
Sqlite issues with HTC Desire HD tests with broken read only database support But I would think it is at least worth a shot. You might also consider switching from packaging the binary database to packaging the SQL statements to build populate the database and executing them. While..
Extending RelativeLayout, and overriding dispatchDraw() to create a zoomable ViewGroup no part of it at all is seen to refresh. I'll give another example imagine my child view is a ball that animates by switching between yellow and red. If I zoom in a little bit such that the ball moves to the right and down at a certain point you'll..
Moving to Android from J2ME one of Nokia's Samsung's or SonyEricsson's... it gets a bit confusing sometimes . The things I had to change when switching from j2me to android were 1 The font and graphics class is easier to use on j2me. The API is more thorough on Android but..
Get focused View from ViewPager focused View from ViewPager i use the ViewPager for switching views with left right swipe. The ViewPager needs an Adapter so I've built this one public class ListViewPagerAdapter extends..
Android Camera will not work. startPreview fails be failing because it seemed like the width and height dimensions were round the wrong way but its not just a case of switching them around as I think the orientation also plays a part. Anyway I've substituted your CameraSurfaceView with my own see..
ActionBarSherlock + Maps + Loaders = java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError that you've included them in your class definition will cause the pre 3.0 classloader to reject your class outright. Switching your imports to the support library variants should be all that's needed for that. If you look above the exception in Logcat..
Switching fragments within tab fragments within tab I'm creating an app that uses ActionBarSherlock. The app consists of three tabs and in each of them..
Change and apply theme at runtime in Android [duplicate] Theme at runtime in Android I have an Android application where I allow users to switch between themes at runtime. Switching a theme is easy but the theme isn't applied until the activity is recreated. I found a way to apply the theme to current..
Duplicate ID, tag null, or parent id with another fragment for works fine except for when I change between tabs. If I try to switch back to the map fragment tab I get this error. Switching to and between other tabs works just fine. What could be wrong here This is my main class and my main.xml as well as a relevant..
Switching to landscape mode in Android Emulator to landscape mode in Android Emulator This is probably a pretty easy to answer question but I can't find the solution myself..
Switching application-wide theme programmatically? application wide theme programmatically I'm attempting to get a user chosen theme and feel like I'm frustratingly close...
Switching between network and GPS provider between network and GPS provider I want to implement a locationListener which will switch between network and GPS providers..
Switching between gps and network provider according to the availability between gps and network provider according to the availability public void onCreate locationListener new GeoUpdateHandler..
Switching between activities in android? between activities in android In my android application I have following requirement. Activity A Activity B Go to A Option..