android Programming Glossary: system.err.println
How can I share a SharedPreferences file across two different android apps? .exec arg0 final int retval pr.waitFor if retval 0 System.err.println Error retval catch Exception e It's not terribly pretty or..
how to get select area which cover by canvas in android mPaint.setColor Color.RED onDraw passCanvas new Canvas System.err.println After Touch Up Rect rect passCanvas.getClipBounds System.err.println.. After Touch Up Rect rect passCanvas.getClipBounds System.err.println Save Canvas System.err.println Display Rect.. System.err.println Save Canvas System.err.println Display Rect Width rect.toString break default break return..
not decrypting what I crypted IOException SecretKeySpec key1 getSecretKeySpec true System.err.println encrypt t key1.toString Cipher cipher Cipher.getInstance CRYPTOSYS.. IOException SecretKeySpec key1 getSecretKeySpec false System.err.println decrypt t key1.toString Cipher cipher Cipher.getInstance CRYPTOSYS..
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) System.out.println App file catch TwitterException e System.err.println Error occurred while updating the status e.printStackTrace ..
InetAddress.getByName on Android catch exception System.err.println wrong server name wrong server..
Android: high quality image resizing / scaling 130 Bitmap resized getResizedBitmap2 original 0.3f System.err.println resized.getWidth x resized.getHeight ImageView image ImageView..
Android 2.2 SDK - setParameters failed for Camera API on Nexus One new RuntimeException ite catch IllegalAccessException ie System.err.println unexpected ie return null @SuppressWarnings unchecked public..
Android UDP Communication .compareTo thread_id 0 t.setCommSocket rpkt port else System.err.println THREAD ID thread_id COULD NOT BE FOUND catch IOException e.. to the ANDROID APP public void sendIdle if comm_ip null System.err.println Sent IDLE Packet comm_ip.getHostAddress comm_port DatagramPacket..
Can shared library call another shared library? DsmTestLib catch UnsatisfiedLinkError e System.err.println Native code library failed to load. n e In the catch block.. System.loadLibrary DsmTestLib catch UnsatisfiedLinkError e System.err.println Native code library failed to load. n e share improve this..
Is it safe when compare 2 float/double directly in Java? test. For instance if you write if Math.abs a b 0.000001 System.err.println equal where a and b are supposed to be the same you are testing.. a b Math.abs a b Math.max Math.abs a Math.abs b 0.000001 System.err.println close enough to be equal But even this is not the complete answer..
Sax - ExpatParser$ParseException lxmlr .getNodoActual catch ParserConfigurationException e System.err.println Error de parseo en e catch SAXException e System.err.println.. Error de parseo en e catch SAXException e System.err.println Error de sax e catch IOException e System.err.println.. Error de sax e catch IOException e System.err.println Error de io e The problem is that SAXException..
How to convert the WAV/OGG file to FLAC file in Android? 0 while samplesRead samplesIn 0 MAX_READ 1 System.err.println Read read framesRead samplesRead frameSize if bigEndian.. totalSamples unencodedSamples unencodedSamples 0 System.err.println read samplesRead totalSamples unencodedSamples if useThreads..
How can I share a SharedPreferences file across two different android apps? execCommand String arg0 try final Process pr Runtime.getRuntime .exec arg0 final int retval pr.waitFor if retval 0 System.err.println Error retval catch Exception e It's not terribly pretty or good but it works. Now in your onCreate method right after editor.commit..
how to get select area which cover by canvas in android new Canvas break case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP invalidate mPaint.setColor Color.RED onDraw passCanvas new Canvas System.err.println After Touch Up Rect rect passCanvas.getClipBounds System.err.println Save Canvas System.err.println Display.. Color.RED onDraw passCanvas new Canvas System.err.println After Touch Up Rect rect passCanvas.getClipBounds System.err.println Save Canvas System.err.println Display Rect Width rect.toString break default break return true @Override.. System.err.println After Touch Up Rect rect passCanvas.getClipBounds System.err.println Save Canvas System.err.println Display Rect Width rect.toString break default break return true @Override protected void onDraw Canvas canvas canvas.drawRect..
not decrypting what I crypted static char encrypt2 byte value throws GeneralSecurityException IOException SecretKeySpec key1 getSecretKeySpec true System.err.println encrypt t key1.toString Cipher cipher Cipher.getInstance CRYPTOSYS cipher.init Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE key1 cipher.getParameters.. byte decrypt2 char message throws GeneralSecurityException IOException SecretKeySpec key1 getSecretKeySpec false System.err.println decrypt t key1.toString Cipher cipher Cipher.getInstance CRYPTOSYS cipher.init Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE key1 byte decrypted cipher.doFinal..
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) System.out.println App file.exists twitter.updateStatus status System.out.println App file catch TwitterException e System.err.println Error occurred while updating the status e.printStackTrace android twitter share improve this question U have got..
InetAddress.getByName on Android try serverAddr Server.SERVERNAME catch exception System.err.println wrong server name wrong server name return in my android application but it's never resoling..
Android: high quality image resizing / scaling R.drawable.a000001570402 Bitmap resized getResizedBitmap original 130 Bitmap resized getResizedBitmap2 original 0.3f System.err.println resized.getWidth x resized.getHeight ImageView image ImageView findViewById image.setImageBitmap..
Android 2.2 SDK - setParameters failed for Camera API on Nexus One if cause instanceof Error throw Error cause else throw new RuntimeException ite catch IllegalAccessException ie System.err.println unexpected ie return null @SuppressWarnings unchecked public static List Size getSupportedPreviewSizes Camera.Parameters..
Android UDP Communication i threads.size i ClientThread t threads.get i if t.getThreadId .compareTo thread_id 0 t.setCommSocket rpkt port else System.err.println THREAD ID thread_id COULD NOT BE FOUND catch IOException e if e instanceof SocketException e instanceof SocketTimeoutException.. the port from the packet Sends an UDP packet from the SERVER to the ANDROID APP public void sendIdle if comm_ip null System.err.println Sent IDLE Packet comm_ip.getHostAddress comm_port DatagramPacket spkt new DatagramPacket new byte 1 ProtocolWrapper.IDLE..
Can shared library call another shared library? super.onCreate savedInstanceState static try System.loadLibrary DsmTestLib catch UnsatisfiedLinkError e System.err.println Native code library failed to load. n e In the catch block I get error Cannot load library link_image 1962 33 could not..
Is it safe when compare 2 float/double directly in Java? . However you need to be a bit careful how you do the test. For instance if you write if Math.abs a b 0.000001 System.err.println equal where a and b are supposed to be the same you are testing the absolute error . If you do this you can get into trouble.. is to use the relative error e.g. coded defensively as if a b Math.abs a b Math.max Math.abs a Math.abs b 0.000001 System.err.println close enough to be equal But even this is not the complete answer because it does not take account of the way that certain..
Sax - ExpatParser$ParseException LibraryXMLReader sp.parse url lxmlr nodo LibraryXMLReader lxmlr .getNodoActual catch ParserConfigurationException e System.err.println Error de parseo en e catch SAXException e System.err.println Error de sax e catch IOException.. catch ParserConfigurationException e System.err.println Error de parseo en e catch SAXException e System.err.println Error de sax e catch IOException e System.err.println Error de io e The problem is that SAXException.. parseo en e catch SAXException e System.err.println Error de sax e catch IOException e System.err.println Error de io e The problem is that SAXException occurs. The exception message is as follows org.apache.harmony.xml.ExpatParser..
How to convert the WAV/OGG file to FLAC file in Android? int unencodedSamples 0 int totalSamples 0 while samplesRead samplesIn 0 MAX_READ 1 System.err.println Read read framesRead samplesRead frameSize if bigEndian for int i 0 i framesRead channels i int lower8Mask 255.. flac.encodeSamples unencodedSamples false totalSamples unencodedSamples unencodedSamples 0 System.err.println read samplesRead totalSamples unencodedSamples if useThreads unencodedSamples flac.t_encodeSamples unencodedSamples..