android Programming Glossary: syncadapter
Sync data between Android App and webserver way for send data between cellphone device and server If SyncAdapter and ContentProvider can solve my problems please explain exactly.. and want to reflect those changes. Android provides the SyncAdapter pattern as a way to easily solve this pattern. You'll need to..
What should I use Android AccountManager for? [closed] but I think it is still of good interest. AccountManager SyncAdapter and ContentProvider go together. You cannot use an AccountManager.. go together. You cannot use an AccountManager without a SyncAdapter . You cannot use a SyncAdapter without an AccountManager . You.. an AccountManager without a SyncAdapter . You cannot use a SyncAdapter without an AccountManager . You cannot have a SyncAdapter without..
SyncAdapter without a ContentProvider without a ContentProvider I want to implement a SyncAdapter.. without a ContentProvider I want to implement a SyncAdapter for a content I want to synchronize with a server. It seems.. registered for the authority you specify in the SyncAdapter XML property file. As I don't want this content to be accessible..
Need sample Android REST Client project which implements Virgil Dobjanschi REST implementation pattern from requirement some might not need the Account for the SyncAdapter other might use C2DM this one that i worked recently might help.. Account and AccountManager It will allow you to use the SyncAdapter to synchronized your data. This have been discussed on Create.. your data. This have been discussed on Create your own SyncAdapter Create a ContentProvider if it suits your needs This abstraction..
Why does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync? true intent filter action android name android.content.SyncAdapter intent filter meta data android name android.content.SyncAdapter.. intent filter meta data android name android.content.SyncAdapter android resource @xml syncadapter service Edit My syncadapter.xml.. true intent filter action android name android.content.SyncAdapter intent filter meta data android name android.content.SyncAdapter..
Sync data between Android App and webserver my search would be appreciated as well . android android syncadapter data sharing share improve this question I'll try to answer..
Use SyncAdapter to sync with *local* gmail and facebook app data for this question. android facebook gmail android syncadapter share improve this question I can't speak for Facebook but..
Synchronize Android client and REST server
Own sync adapter for Android? example code available android synchronization android syncadapter share improve this question These two articles by Sam Steele..
How do I use the Android SyncAdapter? synchronization logic. What I don't understand is the file syncadapter.xml contained in the Android SDK sample project SampleSyncAdapter.. PLATFORM samples android VERSION SampleSyncAdapter res xml syncadapter.xml I read the authority of a content provider should be a string.. userVisible true android android contentprovider android syncadapter reverse dns share improve this question There are two basic..
SyncAdapter without a ContentProvider you very much. android android contentprovider android syncadapter share improve this question You always have to specify a.. store their content in a standard provider. In your xml syncadapter.xml sync adapter xmlns android http apk..
Sync Adapter without Account 2010 09 22 connecting the dots with android syncadapter and @ http 2010 01 23 writing an android sync provider..
Why does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync? name android.content.SyncAdapter android resource @xml syncadapter service Edit My syncadapter.xml associated with my sync service.. android resource @xml syncadapter service Edit My syncadapter.xml associated with my sync service contains xml version 1.0.. for your help Ben android android contentprovider android syncadapter share improve this question RequestSync will only work on..
How to handle RESTful update of remote server with SyncAdapter paddle. android rest sync android contentprovider android syncadapter share improve this question Short answer if you're targeting..
honeycomb sync adapter features for editing contacts it Thank you android contacts android 3.0 edit android syncadapter share improve this question As of writing this they appear..
open an activity to edit contact in sync adapter mContext .getString R.string.syncadapter_profile_action mValues.put SampleSyncAdapterColumns.DATA_DETAIL.. for my activity intent filter action android name @string syncadapter_profile_action category android name android.intent.category.DEFAULT.. provide an editor activity android action profile android syncadapter share improve this question I think your intent filter might..
Sync data between Android App and webserver What algorithms do you suggest me Except JSON Are there any way for send data between cellphone device and server If SyncAdapter and ContentProvider can solve my problems please explain exactly for me. If you could offer some samples or tutorials to.. notify the server whenever you make local changes to content and want to reflect those changes. Android provides the SyncAdapter pattern as a way to easily solve this pattern. You'll need to register user accounts and then Android will perform lots..
What should I use Android AccountManager for? [closed] share improve this question This question is a bit old but I think it is still of good interest. AccountManager SyncAdapter and ContentProvider go together. You cannot use an AccountManager without a SyncAdapter . You cannot use a SyncAdapter without.. good interest. AccountManager SyncAdapter and ContentProvider go together. You cannot use an AccountManager without a SyncAdapter . You cannot use a SyncAdapter without an AccountManager . You cannot have a SyncAdapter without a ContentProvider . With.. SyncAdapter and ContentProvider go together. You cannot use an AccountManager without a SyncAdapter . You cannot use a SyncAdapter without an AccountManager . You cannot have a SyncAdapter without a ContentProvider . With AccountManager SyncAdapter ContentProvider..
SyncAdapter without a ContentProvider without a ContentProvider I want to implement a SyncAdapter for a content I want to synchronize with a server. It seems.. without a ContentProvider I want to implement a SyncAdapter for a content I want to synchronize with a server. It seems that to do so you need a ContentProvider registered for the.. with a server. It seems that to do so you need a ContentProvider registered for the authority you specify in the SyncAdapter XML property file. As I don't want this content to be accessible to the rest of the phone I haven't implemented my own ContentProvider..
Need sample Android REST Client project which implements Virgil Dobjanschi REST implementation pattern own Happy Android application The model on some apps may vary from requirement some might not need the Account for the SyncAdapter other might use C2DM this one that i worked recently might help someone Create an application that have Account and AccountManager.. recently might help someone Create an application that have Account and AccountManager It will allow you to use the SyncAdapter to synchronized your data. This have been discussed on Create your own SyncAdapter Create a ContentProvider if it suits.. It will allow you to use the SyncAdapter to synchronized your data. This have been discussed on Create your own SyncAdapter Create a ContentProvider if it suits your needs This abstraction allows you to not only access the database but goes to..
Why does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync? service android name .sync.SyncService android exported true intent filter action android name android.content.SyncAdapter intent filter meta data android name android.content.SyncAdapter android resource @xml syncadapter service Edit My syncadapter.xml.. intent filter action android name android.content.SyncAdapter intent filter meta data android name android.content.SyncAdapter android resource @xml syncadapter service Edit My syncadapter.xml associated with my sync service contains xml version 1.0.. service android name .sync.mySyncService android exported true intent filter action android name android.content.SyncAdapter intent filter meta data android name android.content.SyncAdapter android resource @xml sync_myapp service name is the name..
Sync data between Android App and webserver to me OR Any advice or keywords to help broaden guide my search would be appreciated as well . android android syncadapter data sharing share improve this question I'll try to answer all your questions by addressing the larger question How..
Use SyncAdapter to sync with *local* gmail and facebook app data I guess I'll need to fetch the data myself so that's not relevant for this question. android facebook gmail android syncadapter share improve this question I can't speak for Facebook but the GMail app doesn't allow this. It used to work previously..
Synchronize Android client and REST server
Own sync adapter for Android? how to write such a sync adapter. Has anyone tried it and some example code available android synchronization android syncadapter share improve this question These two articles by Sam Steele January 23rd 2010 are about the implementation of the
How do I use the Android SyncAdapter? the Android SyncAdapter I try to understand the Android synchronization logic. What I don't understand is the file syncadapter.xml contained in the Android SDK sample project SampleSyncAdapter . If you downloaded the SDK samples it should be in the.. it should be in the following folder SDK android sdk PLATFORM samples android VERSION SampleSyncAdapter res xml syncadapter.xml I read the authority of a content provider should be a string or a reference to a resource. What exactly is the content.. android supportsUploading false android userVisible true android android contentprovider android syncadapter reverse dns share improve this question There are two basic methods you can use when making a SyncAdapter Fill data..
SyncAdapter without a ContentProvider using a SyncAdapter without providing a ContentProvider Thank you very much. android android contentprovider android syncadapter share improve this question You always have to specify a content provider when implementing a SyncAdapter but that's.. the Accounts sync framework in Android that don't necessarily store their content in a standard provider. In your xml syncadapter.xml sync adapter xmlns android http apk res android android accountType android contentAuthority..
Sync Adapter without Account and Skype do. The tutorials I found @ http 2010 09 22 connecting the dots with android syncadapter and @ http 2010 01 23 writing an android sync provider part 1 say that one MUST have an account to use Sync..
Why does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync? android.content.SyncAdapter intent filter meta data android name android.content.SyncAdapter android resource @xml syncadapter service Edit My syncadapter.xml associated with my sync service contains xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 sync adapter xmlns.. intent filter meta data android name android.content.SyncAdapter android resource @xml syncadapter service Edit My syncadapter.xml associated with my sync service contains xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 sync adapter xmlns android http emulator on devices running 2.1 and 2.2. Thanks in advance for your help Ben android android contentprovider android syncadapter share improve this question RequestSync will only work on a Account ContentAuthority pair that is known to the system...
How to handle RESTful update of remote server with SyncAdapter Virgil Dobjanschi Sir you've left me up the creek without a paddle. android rest sync android contentprovider android syncadapter share improve this question Short answer if you're targeting ~API level 7 is Don't . The situation may have improved..
honeycomb sync adapter features for editing contacts of these new features. Can someone tell me where I can find it Thank you android contacts android 3.0 edit android syncadapter share improve this question As of writing this they appear to be completely undocumented. Your best bet is to look through..
open an activity to edit contact in sync adapter userId mValues.put SampleSyncAdapterColumns.DATA_SUMMARY mContext .getString R.string.syncadapter_profile_action mValues.put SampleSyncAdapterColumns.DATA_DETAIL mContext .getString R.string.view_profile mValues.put Data.MIMETYPE.. addInsertOp return this I added this as filter for my activity intent filter action android name @string syncadapter_profile_action category android name android.intent.category.DEFAULT data android mimeType vnd.myapp.profile.. would take the user to your app and your app would then provide an editor activity android action profile android syncadapter share improve this question I think your intent filter might be incorrect. According to this entry the correct action..