android Programming Glossary: synchronized
Sending Email in Android using JavaMail API without using the default/built-in app return new PasswordAuthentication user password public synchronized void sendMail String subject String body String sender String..
J2ME/Android/BlackBerry - driving directions, route between two locations but not limited to turn by turn route guidance that is synchronized to the position of a user's sensor enabled device and may be..
How to return a result (startActivityForResult) from a TabHost Activity? finish if mParent null int resultCode Intent resultData synchronized this resultCode mResultCode resultData mResultData if Config.LOGV..
Custom filtering in Android using ArrayAdapter Manga ArrayList Manga lItems new ArrayList Manga synchronized items Collections.copy lItems items for int i 0 l lItems.size.. m result.count filt.size result.values filt else synchronized items result.values items result.count items.size return.. Manga ArrayList Manga lItems new ArrayList Manga synchronized this lItems.addAll items for int i 0 l lItems.size i l i..
Android and MJPEG null public void setSurfaceSize int width int height synchronized mSurfaceHolder dispWidth width dispHeight height private.. mRun if surfaceDone try c mSurfaceHolder.lockCanvas synchronized mSurfaceHolder try bm mIn.readMjpegFrame destRect destRect..
Singletons vs. Application Context in Android? to shared state subtle bugs may arise when not properly synchronized in concurrent applications. I consider it an anti pattern it's..
Application idle time so while stop Log.d TAG Finishing Waiter thread public synchronized void touch lastUsed System.currentTimeMillis public synchronized.. void touch lastUsed System.currentTimeMillis public synchronized void forceInterrupt this.interrupt soft stopping of thread.. this.interrupt soft stopping of thread public synchronized void stop stop true public synchronized void setPeriod long..
WebView android proxy error getting proxy host field return false synchronized synchronizer boolean temp proxyHostField.isAccessible try proxyHostField.setAccessible..
How can I get a working vertical SeekBar in Android? oldh super.onSizeChanged h w oldh oldw @Override protected synchronized void onMeasure int widthMeasureSpec int heightMeasureSpec super.onMeasure..
How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas? height above the screen. TOUCH @Override public synchronized boolean onTouchEvent MotionEvent ev switch ev.getAction case.. try c surfaceHolder.lockCanvas null synchronized surfaceHolder call methods to draw and process next fame gameView.onDraw..
Database not copying from assets overriding a few methods as required @Override public synchronized void close if myDataBase null myDataBase.close super.close @Override.. mypath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE public synchronized void close if myDataBase null myDataBase.close super.close ..
List Filter Custom Adapter dont give result si results.values i results.count i.size else synchronized names results.values names results.count names.size return..
How to use an existing database with an Android application [duplicate] return mDataBase null @Override public synchronized void close if mDataBase null mDataBase.close super.close Write..
Sending Email in Android using JavaMail API without using the default/built-in app protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication return new PasswordAuthentication user password public synchronized void sendMail String subject String body String sender String recipients throws Exception try MimeMessage message new MimeMessage..
J2ME/Android/BlackBerry - driving directions, route between two locations with a real time navigation or route guidance including but not limited to turn by turn route guidance that is synchronized to the position of a user's sensor enabled device and may be disabled for certain apps somehow at least on Android ... From..
How to return a result (startActivityForResult) from a TabHost Activity? set to null . Otherwise the result is lost. public void finish if mParent null int resultCode Intent resultData synchronized this resultCode mResultCode resultData mResultData if Config.LOGV Log.v TAG Finishing self token mToken try if ActivityManagerNative.getDefault..
Custom filtering in Android using ArrayAdapter constraint.toString .length 0 ArrayList Manga filt new ArrayList Manga ArrayList Manga lItems new ArrayList Manga synchronized items Collections.copy lItems items for int i 0 l lItems.size i l i Manga m lItems.get i if m.getName .toLowerCase.. i if m.getName .toLowerCase .contains constraint filt.add m result.count filt.size result.values filt else synchronized items result.values items result.count items.size return result @SuppressWarnings unchecked @Override protected void.. constraint.toString .length 0 ArrayList Manga filt new ArrayList Manga ArrayList Manga lItems new ArrayList Manga synchronized this lItems.addAll items for int i 0 l lItems.size i l i Manga m lItems.get i if m.getName .toLowerCase .contains..
Android and MJPEG return new Rect 0 0 dispWidth dispHeight return null public void setSurfaceSize int width int height synchronized mSurfaceHolder dispWidth width dispHeight height private Bitmap makeFpsOverlay Paint p String text Rect b new Rect.. destRect Canvas c null Paint p new Paint String fps while mRun if surfaceDone try c mSurfaceHolder.lockCanvas synchronized mSurfaceHolder try bm mIn.readMjpegFrame destRect destRect bm.getWidth bm.getHeight c.drawColor Color.BLACK c.drawBitmap..
Singletons vs. Application Context in Android? problem and since singletons imply global random access to shared state subtle bugs may arise when not properly synchronized in concurrent applications. I consider it an anti pattern it's a bad object oriented style often embraced by people coming..
Application idle time if idle period idle 0 do something here e.g. call popup or so while stop Log.d TAG Finishing Waiter thread public synchronized void touch lastUsed System.currentTimeMillis public synchronized void forceInterrupt this.interrupt soft stopping of.. while stop Log.d TAG Finishing Waiter thread public synchronized void touch lastUsed System.currentTimeMillis public synchronized void forceInterrupt this.interrupt soft stopping of thread public synchronized void stop stop true public synchronized..
WebView android proxy mProxyHost catch Exception ex Log.e ProxyManager.class.getName error getting proxy host field return false synchronized synchronizer boolean temp proxyHostField.isAccessible try proxyHostField.setAccessible true proxyHostField.set requestQueue..
How can I get a working vertical SeekBar in Android? attrs protected void onSizeChanged int w int h int oldw int oldh super.onSizeChanged h w oldh oldw @Override protected synchronized void onMeasure int widthMeasureSpec int heightMeasureSpec super.onMeasure heightMeasureSpec widthMeasureSpec setMeasuredDimension..
How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas? ball X into the centre of the screen. ballY 50 Centre ball height above the screen. TOUCH @Override public synchronized boolean onTouchEvent MotionEvent ev switch ev.getAction case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN ballX int ev.getX ballW 2 ballY.. catch InterruptedException e timePrevFrame System.currentTimeMillis try c surfaceHolder.lockCanvas null synchronized surfaceHolder call methods to draw and process next fame gameView.onDraw c finally if c null surfaceHolder.unlockCanvasAndPost..
Database not copying from assets myPath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY Finally overriding a few methods as required @Override public synchronized void close if myDataBase null myDataBase.close super.close @Override public void onCreate SQLiteDatabase db @Override public..
List Filter Custom Adapter dont give result si names.get index if si.compareTo prefix.toString 0 i.add si results.values i results.count i.size else synchronized names results.values names results.count names.size return results Log.d TAG end getFilter return newFilter @Override..
How to use an existing database with an Android application [duplicate] SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase mPath null SQLiteDatabase.NO_LOCALIZED_COLLATORS return mDataBase null @Override public synchronized void close if mDataBase null mDataBase.close super.close Write a DataAdapter class like import import..