android Programming Glossary: system.getproperty
Getting WiFi proxy settings in Android ctx which is deprecated returns always 1. Java calls System.getProperty http.proxyHost System.getProperty http.proxyCall Also returns.. always 1. Java calls System.getProperty http.proxyHost System.getProperty http.proxyCall Also returns null. Is there a working code which.. int proxyPort if IS_ICS_OR_LATER proxyAddress System.getProperty http.proxyHost String portStr System.getProperty http.proxyPort..
Android take screenshot on rooted device found new StringBuilder String currLine null String sep System.getProperty line.separator try Read it all in line by line. while currLine..
How to detect when the user launches another app? (Android) final StringBuilder log new StringBuilder String separator System.getProperty line.separator while line reader.readLine null log.append line..
How to create an https Connection? StringBuffer sb new StringBuffer String line String NL System.getProperty line.separator while line in.readLine null sb.append line NL..
How to detect system information like os or device type add them i found this for the os version string OS Version System.getProperty os.version how do i get the other properties android logging.. for debug purpose String s Debug infos s n OS Version System.getProperty os.version android.os.Build.VERSION.INCREMENTAL s n OS API Level..
Android, Detect when other apps are launched final StringBuilder log new StringBuilder String separator System.getProperty line.separator while line reader.readLine null log.append line..
Android — How to access data in an ASP.NET database via app? exceptiontype sb.append sb.append message sb.append System.getProperty line.separator sb.append stacktrace throw new JSONException..
Apache HttpClient on Android producing CertPathValidatorException (IssuerName != SubjectName) StringBuffer sb new StringBuffer String line String NL System.getProperty line.separator while line in.readLine null sb.append line NL..
How to determine if my app is running on Android I would like to determine which OS I am on. I tried System.getProperty but that just returns Linux . Is there something unique..
Retrieving JSON from URL on Android StringBuffer sb new StringBuffer String line String NL System.getProperty line.separator while line in.readLine null sb.append line NL..
How to instert a new line in strings in Android string enter share improve this question Try using System.getProperty line.separator to get a new line. share improve this answer..
android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException . Need to use async task? StringBuffer sb new StringBuffer String line String NL System.getProperty line.separator while line in.readLine null sb.append line.. StringBuffer sb new StringBuffer String line String NL System.getProperty line.separator while line in.readLine null sb.append line..
Determine if the device is a smartphone or tablet? on the type of device String s Debug infos s n OS Version System.getProperty os.version android.os.Build.VERSION.INCREMENTAL s n OS API Level..
HTTP POST response into WebView in android new StringBuffer String line String LineSeparator System.getProperty line.separator while line bufferedReader.readLine null stringBuffer.append..
Getting WiFi proxy settings in Android is deprecated returns the IP getPortt Context ctx which is deprecated returns always 1. Java calls System.getProperty http.proxyHost System.getProperty http.proxyCall Also returns null. Is there a working code which retrieves all these settings.. getPortt Context ctx which is deprecated returns always 1. Java calls System.getProperty http.proxyHost System.getProperty http.proxyCall Also returns null. Is there a working code which retrieves all these settings or at least partially from.. Build.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH ... String proxyAddress int proxyPort if IS_ICS_OR_LATER proxyAddress System.getProperty http.proxyHost String portStr System.getProperty http.proxyPort proxyPort Integer.parseInt portStr null portStr 1 else..
Android take screenshot on rooted device BufferedReader reader new BufferedReader input StringBuilder found new StringBuilder String currLine null String sep System.getProperty line.separator try Read it all in line by line. while currLine reader.readLine null found.append currLine found.append..
How to detect when the user launches another app? (Android) InputStreamReader mLogcatProc.getInputStream String line final StringBuilder log new StringBuilder String separator System.getProperty line.separator while line reader.readLine null log.append line log.append separator String w log.toString Toast.makeText..
How to create an https Connection? new InputStreamReader response.getEntity .getContent StringBuffer sb new StringBuffer String line String NL System.getProperty line.separator while line in.readLine null sb.append line NL in.close String page sb.toString Log.i TAG res sb.toString..
How to detect system information like os or device type but if you know other useful debug information please add them i found this for the os version string OS Version System.getProperty os.version how do i get the other properties android logging properties debugging share improve this question edit.. and keyboard presence were a good idea i added some more infos for debug purpose String s Debug infos s n OS Version System.getProperty os.version android.os.Build.VERSION.INCREMENTAL s n OS API Level android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK s n Device android.os.Build.DEVICE..
Android, Detect when other apps are launched InputStreamReader mLogcatProc.getInputStream String line final StringBuilder log new StringBuilder String separator System.getProperty line.separator while line reader.readLine null log.append line log.append separator String w log.toString Toast.makeText..
Android — How to access data in an ASP.NET database via app? KEY_STACKTRACE StringBuilder sb new StringBuilder sb.append exceptiontype sb.append sb.append message sb.append System.getProperty line.separator sb.append stacktrace throw new JSONException sb.toString Now replace the return statement from the sendJSONRequest..
Apache HttpClient on Android producing CertPathValidatorException (IssuerName != SubjectName) new InputStreamReader response.getEntity .getContent StringBuffer sb new StringBuffer String line String NL System.getProperty line.separator while line in.readLine null sb.append line NL in.close String page sb.toString System.out.println page..
How to determine if my app is running on Android Fedora or Android. To consolidate my codebase and distribution I would like to determine which OS I am on. I tried System.getProperty but that just returns Linux . Is there something unique to Android in the System properties Thanks java android..
Retrieving JSON from URL on Android new InputStreamReader response.getEntity .getContent StringBuffer sb new StringBuffer String line String NL System.getProperty line.separator while line in.readLine null sb.append line NL in.close String page sb.toString System.out.println page..
How to instert a new line in strings in Android
android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException . Need to use async task? new InputStreamReader response.getEntity .getContent StringBuffer sb new StringBuffer String line String NL System.getProperty line.separator while line in.readLine null sb.append line NL in.close String result sb.toString return result finally.. new InputStreamReader response.getEntity .getContent StringBuffer sb new StringBuffer String line String NL System.getProperty line.separator while line in.readLine null sb.append line NL in.close String result sb.toString return result finally..
Determine if the device is a smartphone or tablet? would like to show different web pages from resources based on the type of device String s Debug infos s n OS Version System.getProperty os.version android.os.Build.VERSION.INCREMENTAL s n OS API Level android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK s n Device android.os.Build.DEVICE..
HTTP POST response into WebView in android response .getEntity .getContent StringBuffer stringBuffer new StringBuffer String line String LineSeparator System.getProperty line.separator while line bufferedReader.readLine null stringBuffer.append line LineSeparator bufferedReader.close String..