android Programming Glossary: system.arraycopy
Android Compass that can Compensate for Tilt and Pitch m_NormGravityVector null m_NormGravityVector new float 3 System.arraycopy evnt.values 0 m_NormGravityVector 0 m_NormGravityVector.length.. null m_NormMagFieldValues new float 3 System.arraycopy evnt.values 0 m_NormMagFieldValues 0 m_NormMagFieldValues.length..
AES gets different results in iOS and Java keyBytes new byte 16 byte b key.getBytes UTF 8 int len 16 System.arraycopy b 0 keyBytes 0 len SecretKeySpec keySpec new SecretKeySpec keyBytes.. keyBytes.length passwordBytes.length keyBytes.length System.arraycopy passwordBytes 0 keyBytes 0 length SecretKeySpec key new SecretKeySpec..
Example: Android bi-directional network socket using AsyncTask is blocking while read 1 byte tempdata new byte read System.arraycopy buffer 0 tempdata 0 read publishProgress tempdata Log.i AsyncTask..
Out of memory exception due to large bitmap size if bytesRead spaceLeft copy to end of current chunk System.arraycopy buffer 0 fixedChunk chunkIndex spaceLeft BufferChunkList.add.. new byte CHUNKSIZE chunkIndex bytesRead spaceLeft System.arraycopy buffer spaceLeft fixedChunk 0 chunkIndex else plenty of space.. 0 chunkIndex else plenty of space just copy it in System.arraycopy buffer 0 fixedChunk chunkIndex bytesRead chunkIndex chunkIndex..
How can I manipulate the camera preview? int bwCounter 0 int yuvsCounter 0 for int y 0 y 160 y System.arraycopy data yuvsCounter rgbbuffer bwCounter 240 yuvsCounter yuvsCounter..
How can I Zip and Unzip a string using GZIPOutputStream that is compatible with .Net? os.close byte compressed new byte 4 os.toByteArray .length System.arraycopy blockcopy 0 compressed 0 4 System.arraycopy os.toByteArray 0.. .length System.arraycopy blockcopy 0 compressed 0 4 System.arraycopy os.toByteArray 0 compressed 4 os.toByteArray .length return.. os.close byte compressed new byte 4 os.toByteArray .length System.arraycopy blockcopy 0 compressed 0 4 System.arraycopy os.toByteArray 0..
Android Compass that can Compensate for Tilt and Pitch switch SensorType case Sensor.TYPE_GRAVITY if m_NormGravityVector null m_NormGravityVector new float 3 System.arraycopy evnt.values 0 m_NormGravityVector 0 m_NormGravityVector.length m_Norm_Gravity float Math.sqrt m_NormGravityVector 0 m_NormGravityVector.. m_Norm_Gravity break case Sensor.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD if m_NormMagFieldValues null m_NormMagFieldValues new float 3 System.arraycopy evnt.values 0 m_NormMagFieldValues 0 m_NormMagFieldValues.length m_Norm_MagField float Math.sqrt m_NormMagFieldValues 0..
AES gets different results in iOS and Java Cipher cipher Cipher.getInstance AES CBC PKCS5Padding byte keyBytes new byte 16 byte b key.getBytes UTF 8 int len 16 System.arraycopy b 0 keyBytes 0 len SecretKeySpec keySpec new SecretKeySpec keyBytes AES IvParameterSpec ivSpec new IvParameterSpec IV System.out.println.. password.getBytes UTF 8 int length passwordBytes.length keyBytes.length passwordBytes.length keyBytes.length System.arraycopy passwordBytes 0 keyBytes 0 length SecretKeySpec key new SecretKeySpec keyBytes AES return key public class NoTextGivenException..
Example: Android bi-directional network socket using AsyncTask buffer new byte 4096 int read buffer 0 4096 This is blocking while read 1 byte tempdata new byte read System.arraycopy buffer 0 tempdata 0 read publishProgress tempdata Log.i AsyncTask doInBackground Got some data read buffer 0..
Out of memory exception due to large bitmap size buffer 1 loop until the DataInputStream is completed if bytesRead spaceLeft copy to end of current chunk System.arraycopy buffer 0 fixedChunk chunkIndex spaceLeft BufferChunkList.add fixedChunk create a new chunk and fill in the leftover fixedChunk.. create a new chunk and fill in the leftover fixedChunk new byte CHUNKSIZE chunkIndex bytesRead spaceLeft System.arraycopy buffer spaceLeft fixedChunk 0 chunkIndex else plenty of space just copy it in System.arraycopy buffer 0 fixedChunk chunkIndex.. bytesRead spaceLeft System.arraycopy buffer spaceLeft fixedChunk 0 chunkIndex else plenty of space just copy it in System.arraycopy buffer 0 fixedChunk chunkIndex bytesRead chunkIndex chunkIndex bytesRead spaceLeft CHUNKSIZE chunkIndex if in null..
How can I manipulate the camera preview? and you can't do much with it until you convert it to rgb int bwCounter 0 int yuvsCounter 0 for int y 0 y 160 y System.arraycopy data yuvsCounter rgbbuffer bwCounter 240 yuvsCounter yuvsCounter 240 bwCounter bwCounter 256 for int i 0 i rgbints.length..
How can I Zip and Unzip a string using GZIPOutputStream that is compatible with .Net? new GZIPOutputStream os gos.write str.getBytes gos.close os.close byte compressed new byte 4 os.toByteArray .length System.arraycopy blockcopy 0 compressed 0 4 System.arraycopy os.toByteArray 0 compressed 4 os.toByteArray .length return Base64.encode compressed.. gos.close os.close byte compressed new byte 4 os.toByteArray .length System.arraycopy blockcopy 0 compressed 0 4 System.arraycopy os.toByteArray 0 compressed 4 os.toByteArray .length return Base64.encode compressed public static String decompress String.. new GZIPOutputStream os gos.write string.getBytes gos.close os.close byte compressed new byte 4 os.toByteArray .length System.arraycopy blockcopy 0 compressed 0 4 System.arraycopy os.toByteArray 0 compressed 4 os.toByteArray .length return compressed public..