android Programming Glossary: swipe_velocity_threshold
Android list view Right / Left swipes like call logs GestureListener extends SimpleOnGestureListener private static final int SWIPE_THRESHOLD 100 private static final int SWIPE_VELOCITY_THRESHOLD 100 @Override public boolean onDown MotionEvent e return true @Override public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent.. float diffX e2.getX e1.getX if Math.abs diffX Math.abs diffY if Math.abs diffX SWIPE_THRESHOLD Math.abs velocityX SWIPE_VELOCITY_THRESHOLD if diffX 0 onSwipeRight else onSwipeLeft else if Math.abs diffY SWIPE_THRESHOLD Math.abs velocityY SWIPE_VELOCITY_THRESHOLD.. if diffX 0 onSwipeRight else onSwipeLeft else if Math.abs diffY SWIPE_THRESHOLD Math.abs velocityY SWIPE_VELOCITY_THRESHOLD if diffY 0 onSwipeBottom else onSwipeTop catch Exception exception exception.printStackTrace return result ..
Android: How to handle right to left swipe gestures GestureListener extends SimpleOnGestureListener private static final int SWIPE_THRESHOLD 100 private static final int SWIPE_VELOCITY_THRESHOLD 100 @Override public boolean onDown MotionEvent e return true @Override public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent.. float diffX e2.getX e1.getX if Math.abs diffX Math.abs diffY if Math.abs diffX SWIPE_THRESHOLD Math.abs velocityX SWIPE_VELOCITY_THRESHOLD if diffX 0 onSwipeRight else onSwipeLeft else if Math.abs diffY SWIPE_THRESHOLD Math.abs velocityY SWIPE_VELOCITY_THRESHOLD.. if diffX 0 onSwipeRight else onSwipeLeft else if Math.abs diffY SWIPE_THRESHOLD Math.abs velocityY SWIPE_VELOCITY_THRESHOLD if diffY 0 onSwipeBottom else onSwipeTop catch Exception exception exception.printStackTrace return result ..